11. Amelia

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Amelia was contemplating her last words to Chase as they continued to walk, in a moment everything can change. She was well acquainted with how things can go from good to bad all in a split second. It was that way in her past relationship. One moment she thought she was loved and the next she found herself alone with no one by her side. Back then she was young and naive.

She couldn't believe that she almost told Chase about Jack. She hated thinking of him. He had destroyed a part of her and she will always resent him for it. He was the reason she refused to date anyone.

Men always seem like they are perfect until you really got to know them. Then you saw who they really were on the inside. Most times they were monsters. She had yet to reach a man who didn't disappoint her, her father included.

However, she was getting a different vibe from Chase. So far there were no red flags. Her heart was screaming that this was good, but her rational mind was still holding out and trying to find flaws.

She felt drawn to Chase the moment she saw him and her gut was telling her that he was nothing like Jack, that he was good. But she'd been burned once before and wasn't trying to make the same mistake twice. If she allowed herself to get caught again like she did with Jack, then she was an utter fool to fall for the same tricks twice. She couldn't let that happen.

On a different note, she was enjoying Chase's company so much and she didn't want this day to end. Every time she looked at him she had an urge to reach out and touch his hair. He had perfect hair, like one of those models in a Calvin Klein add, effortlessly tousled. She wanted to know how the stubble on his jaw would feel if she ran her finger along the edge, would it be soft or prickly. Would his skin feel warm at her touch?

She was definitely attracted to him. How could she not? He looked like a Greek god. How had Gracie known that he was her type? And why didn't she listen to Gracie and meet him sooner? There were many occasions where Gracie spoke about him and how she could arrange for them to meet.

Amelia had refused every time, mostly because she was afraid and found it hard to trust anyone. But this time Gracie had designed a genius plan where Amelia couldn't avoid meeting Chase. Even if it wasn't for this scavenger hunt and teaming up, she still might have spoken to him at the wedding ceremony; he was the best man and she was the maid of honor.

Putting those thoughts aside, Amelia had to admit that she was enjoying this hike. The trail to the waterfalls was not so bad after all. It was easy just like he'd promised. It was paved in some parts and in other parts it was just a dirt road. It got narrow in a few places and they had to scoot closer to each other to avoid bumping into any trees or rocks.

Whenever that happened and she accidentally brushed up against his arm, her heart rate sped up so fast that she had to remind herself to breath. She got goose bumps on the parts of her arm that came into contact with his. She wondered what it would feel like if he were to really touch her.

Oh God, she groaned internally, what was he doing to her? She thought she was immune to these types of feelings. He was like some kind of drug. He was clouding her judgement and yet she wanted more. No, not wanted, needed.

Trying to tame her straying mind, Amelia noticed that the trail was packed with plants indigenous to the island. Thought it was a crazy hot day, it was cool under the canopy of the trees. She didn't see any Plumeria flowers so far. Her mind circled back to the scavenger hunt and the real reason why she ended up alone with Chase. She'd nearly forgotten that they were actually supposed to be checking things off a list. Chase appeared to have forgotten also, though he was gripping the bag with the two items they'd already found.

As they were nearing a wooden bridge which went over a gurgling stream, that could almost pass for a small river, he suggested "we should take a picture to commemorate your first hike."

He flashed his dazzling smile at her.

How could she say no? "Sure," she told him. She was about to dive into her purse for her phone, but he had his out and ready.

She moved closer to him so that they both could be in the frame of the picture, her heart did a couple flips and those were definitely butterflies in her stomach. He positioned her to the left of his body and leaned his head in slightly. He was taller than her and standing in his shadow made her feel safe.

"Smile," he instructed as he extended his right arm and skillfully snapped a selfie. He showed it to her. They looked great next to each. There she was, smiling, head tilted slightly towards his, immortalized in time next to this handsome man. Who would have thought?

Confidently he said "what's your number? I'll send you the picture."

Hmm...So this was his plan. He wanted her number and she was only too eager to give it up. She told him and watched as his fingers moved dexterously over the screen. Her phone made a "ping" as she received a text with the picture. Now she had his number too. She would definitely be saving it.

"Thanks," she told him with a grin as they continue to walk across the bridge. She could now hear the loud rush of water and knew that they were getting closer to Moana Falls.

How had they gotten here so fast? He made everything feel so easy. For the first time in forever she felt like herself. Being with him made her feel free of all her misgivings and fear. She felt like she was brave enough to attempt anything if he was by her side.

Looking ahead as they walked uphill she wondered, could he be the one to make her believe in love again? It certainly felt that way so far. He was making her feel so many things at once; affection, desire, a little bit of hope, fear, but mostly she felt a warm glow originating somewhere deep inside her heart.

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