35. Amelia

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Today was going to be a long day. Amelia yawned and headed into the shower. She was exhausted. She barely got about three hours of sleep. She felt sore in so many places and her muscles were achy. She smiled to herself as she recalled the reason for her tired body.


So far there wasn't anything she didn't like about him. He was what she would call the perfect man. It was crazy! She knew that no one was perfect. Yet, he came pretty close in her mind. He treated her the way she always dreamed of, gently and with care.

She didn't want this vacation to end. She wished she could stay on this island forever with Chase. Sadly, this was her second day and then just one more day of vacation after the wedding. Then, it was back to New York and the regular hustle. She liked New York, but sometimes it got way too crazy. It was very fast paced and she preferred a slower lifestyle.

She had promised Chase that they could spend time in New York. She pictured all the wonderful things they could do together. That was something to look forward to. She hoped that things will continue to go well with him. And even if it didn't for whatever reason, she felt happy that she was able to take that final step and move forward. Her experiences with Jack were no longer an obstacle in her path. Recovery was a long and lonely road. In the end she was happy that she broke out of the emotional prison Jack put her in.

However, there was one thing nagging at the back of her brain. It was deep in her mind, in a place that she didn't visit often, a placed where she kept memories she'd like to forget. She believed her nightmare was hinting at it. That dream was reminiscent of a distant incident in her past. Jack didn't exactly try to kill her, but there was a time or two where she feared for her life in his presence. She knew without a doubt that the unknown man attacking her in the dream was Jack.

Did she have anything to fear with Chase? Did he have a temper? Could he be violent towards her? Was there some cosmic force that was trying to give her a warning? She wished she could know for sure, that she could see into the future. Was there anything to reassure her of his character?

Maybe she should take a deeper look into his past before she fell head over heels for him. Or was it too late for that? She was already so taken with him and he was doing everything right so far. She could see herself easily falling in love with him. She really hoped that her instincts were right and that she didn't have anything to worry about. There was one thing she knew about life and that was, it was full of surprises, good ones and bad ones.

She undressed in front of the mirror and trailed her hands over the tiny marks Chase left on her body. A small smile played on her lips as she recalled his hot mouth on her skin. She hoped with all her heart that Chase wasn't bad for her. She really didn't trust her own judgement when it came to men.

Stepping into the shower, she stood under the spray and let the hot water massage her aching muscles. She replayed their lovemaking in her mind as she washed the scent of him away. She wished she could have stayed in bed with him all day and didn't have to get up this early. He also looked reluctant to leave her side. That was a good sign.

She got out of the shower and checked the time.

"Oh my God!" She exclaimed.

It was already six thirty. Gracie was going to be so mad. She already had several text messages from her.

Without taking the time to check her appearance, she quickly dressed in black shorts and a white t-shirt. Grabbing a garment bag with her dress from the closet, she stuffed her feet into sandals, grabbed her purse and phone and rushed out the door.

She speed walked towards Gracie's room which was in another building. The whole time she was trying to come up with an explanation for why she was late. What should she say?

"The truth!" Her brain screamed.

But what if it didn't work out with Chase and we end up hating each other?

"It doesn't matter. It's Gracie! You have to tell her. She was there with you at your worst."

Amelia sighed. Her brain was right. Though she didn't know how it was making such ethical decisions when it was severely sleep deprived and desperately needed coffee. She supposed she could tell Gracie everything.

With that thought, she arrived and knocked timidity on the door to Gracie's room.

It was yanked open from inside immediately. There was Gracie already in full glam make up, one side of her hair curled and the other side in a frizzy mess.

"Thank God! Where've you been? I was getting worried."

"So you're not mad?" She asked quietly.

"Mad? Why would I be mad? I thought something happened to you or you weren't feeling well."


She stepped inside and Gracie led her towards a chair, where the make-up artist was waiting to get started.

"Ame, don't tell me your sick or something. I cannot deal with that right now. Getting married is stressful as it is."

Gracie was walking around the room looking for something that she apparently couldn't find. She looked flustered.

"No, I'm fine, but Grace, calm down. What are you looking for?"

"My phone! I have to text Derek!"

"Umm, you're holding it."

Realizing she had it in her hands she burst out laughing. That seemed to ease the tension in the air.

In a reassuring voice Amelia said, "Sit down and breathe. Everything will go smoothly. Don't worry."

"Ha! Easy for you to say. You're not the one who has to walk down the aisle."

"True, but you love him and he will be waiting for you at the end. Think of that."

"Yeah, I do love him." Gracie smiled dreamily.

"Besides I have to tell you something that will make you forget you're getting married."

"Really? And what could that be?"

She had her attention. Now, how should she start? How does one tell someone they are sleeping with their soon to be brother-in-law?

"Well, last night, after the club, Chase and I..."

"No! You're kidding!" Gracie exclaimed excitedly.

"I'm not. He came over and..."

"OMG! Amelia Cooper! You didn't!"

"I did, but..."

"This is great! So tell me, how was it?"

Gracie stood in front of Amelia and listened raptly to the details as the make-up artist started doing Amelia's hair.

Gracie stood in front of Amelia and listened raptly to the details as the make-up artist started doing Amelia's hair

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Dedicating this chapter to All you faithful readers:

Three days of youTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang