57. Amelia

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On the drive back to the resort Amelia reflected on the days she spent with Chase. How time flies when you're having fun. It felt like she just arrived here and it was almost time for her to leave. She really wished that she could stay here longer with him. Or maybe they could both be going back at the same time. She realized that she forgot how it was to be alone, without having him by her side. How did she ever survive all those years alone and without someone who loved her, or someone to love in return. How did she manage the loneliness?

She just felt so much happier in her body since she met him. She was content and felt peaceful for the first time. She always had the feeling like she was waiting for something all her life. For instance, she waited to grow up, waited to graduate college, waited for the right job, and waited for love.

But now all the waiting was over. Amelia was finally at a point in her life where she always wanted to be. She could spend the rest of her life with him, share her days with him, and grow old with him. He was her forever. She knew that now. There wasn't any other way that it could be. It was as if all her life was leading up to finding him.

As they drove past the same scenes she enjoyed on her way to the beach, she spent her time imagining all the things they would do when they were together in New York. She fantasied about spending holidays with him, seeing his apartment, going places she's never been before, and all the new experiences that he would bring to her life.

She realized that she really didn't know much about his life. Like, was he a dog or cat person? Did he like coffee or tea? Was he an early riser?

Sometimes we spent too much time dwelling on the unknown, while ignoring the things that we know are true. She accepted that it doesn't matter that she didn't know his mannerisms. She would learn them. He was worth it and she was certain that in time she would know him better. Not knowing was not going to change the way she felt about him. She loved him and that was that.

As he drove, he would glance her way with the occasional smile, or he would brush her cheek with his fingers. There was always some part of him that was touching her. She liked it. The feel of his large hands on her body was very sensual. His touch was always gentle and left her tingling and wanting more of it.

"So dinner..." He said.

"What about it?"

"Should we join the others or do something alone, just us?"

"I think we have to join them, you know we are here for a wedding."

He laughed and shook his head.

"I've been forgetting that. You've been the only thing on my mind."

"It's our last night..."

Amelia let that sentence trail off. She didn't know why she even mentioned it. They'd both avoided it all day long. Some part of her wanted to say it so that it would be real. It was inevitable, there was no point in denying it.

"The last until we meet again, baby. I promise that as soon as I return to New York, I'm coming to see you."

"You don't even know where I live," she chuckled.

"Well, tell me."

"Brooklyn, how about you?"

"I have a place in Astoria."

"Those are not exactly close."

"It doesn't matter, I'll come see you on my way from the airport."

"Ok," she agreed as they were pulling into the parking lot of the resort.

He parked, exited the car and came around to open her door. They walked hand in hand to her door. He helped her inside, where he swiftly backed her up against the closed door. She looked up at his smiling face and couldn't help but feel very much in love with him.

He bent his head and kissed her, while circling his hands around her body to grab her rear. He squeezed and she yelped playfully.

"I'll need to go back to my room to get dressed," he told her, reluctantly pausing their make out session.

She sighed, "Meet back here?"

"Sure. Wear something incredibly sexy for me."

He nipped his way along her jaw and down her neck. Her breathing caught as he dipped his tongue down the middle of her top. She felt her nerves spring to attention, in anticipation of his next move.

"Do you have a preference? Dress? Skirt?"

He pulled her bathing suit aside and she felt his hot mouth on her bare skin. She felt her body bending to his will as he kissed the tip of her breast.

"It doesn't matter. I'll want to rip it off and make love to you either way."

She gasped as she felt the bite of his teeth. He lifted her and she wrapped her legs around his body. He used the door to support her weight as he went to work, sucking and licking. She moaned and pressed herself firmly into his hardness.

"Li," he said her name with a groan. "You're always so ready, I'm finding it hard to stop," he stated.

"Then don't stop."

He chuckled, "trust me I really don't want to, but we will be late."

Sighing he set her down on her feet with a chaste kiss on her head.

"Okay," she said dejectedly.

"I'll see you in a bit," he told her.

With a final peck on her lips he left and she closed the door silently. She missed him already. How insane was that? She spent all day with him and still it wasn't enough. There was a terrible fear deep inside her heart which she didn't want to acknowledge. It was the moment when she would have to leave him here, without her.

She undressed and headed to the shower. Thoughts of her departure were causing chaos in mind. How would she survive the days ahead without him? Was she capable of leaving him here? She felt that once she was off this island the spell of being in love with him would be broken. She feared that they wouldn't be the same once they both returned to their normal lives. It was something about being here, away from it all that made her feelings for him stronger.

This island didn't know sad Amelia. This island didn't know the pain and hurt she carried around daily. This island was immune to her emotional scars. On this island she had only known happiness and love.

 On this island she had only known happiness and love

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