#1 : Wattpad Ambassador - Katherine Arlene

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Katherine Arlene

About Her : A Woman of Many Roles and Interests. A Wattpad Ambassador. An Author. A Housewife. A Mom of 2 Girls. A Social Networker with PinBoards at PinInterest, A Channel at Youtube, A Facebookaholic And Tweeting at Twitter!

How she manages it all?

Well, you can unfold all the aspect of her life by reading this Interview and knowing her as a person by contacting her via her Wattpad Profile.

Her Works :

a) Trilogy

Book 1 in the Stolen Hearts Trilogy (Video inserted in the Media Section)

Book 2 - Love You Forever (Watty's 2013 Finalist)

Book 3 - The Most Precious of All (A Christmas Story)

b) The Boy in the Woods (Banner inserted in the Media)

c) How To Get Reads, Votes, and Comments - A Guide (External Link)

1) I'm sure we all would love to know how Katherine Arlene is as a person. Tell us about yourself, Please.

I’m a mom and wife, and raising my girls has been pretty much the focus of most of my adult life. I’m a fairly creative person and have always been working on some craft or other since I was a kid. I did a lot of crocheting in my early years, and then took a knitting class to gain more skills. I went crazy with the knitting and even learned how to make my own yarn on a spinning wheel. A friend taught me beadwork and I made a lot of jewelry for a while. I dabbled in sewing as well, making clothes when I was a teen and later moved on to quilts. Now I create people and write down their stories. LOL

2)How old were you when you first began writing? What inspired you into writing ?

I was probably around 10 years old when I began writing, and my earliest writing revolved around my favorite books, The Little House series, which was also my favorite TV show. I also wrote about other shows and movies. So the truth is I started out writing fan fiction, even though I had no idea that’s what it was called. What inspired me to write? I think I wanted to put myself in those worlds and interact with the characters I loved. I had a big imagination as a kid, and I was always making up stories in my head, so it was no surprise that I’d write some of them down.

3) Throw lights on your inspiration and thoughts that led you into writing your works.

Stolen Hearts came from a basic idea I had as a teenager, another one of those stories what was always floating around in my head. For literally years, before I fell asleep at night, I’d imagine a young man waking up and realizing he’d been kidnapped and was a prisoner. It never got much further than that since I would fall asleep soon after, but there was something about that story that stuck with me and one day, I began writing it down.

The story that evolved from that basic idea completely surprised me. I really don’t know where it came from; I didn’t plan any of it. I eventually hit a brick wall and the story petered out without a real ending, but when I had to finish it for my readers on Wattpad, Love You Forever, the sequel is the result. It’s the logical conclusion to the story I’d begun.

The Boy in the Woods started out much different, since it was an idea I came up with while I was finishing Love You Forever. One of the main inspirations for that story was my favorite movie when I was a kid, A Little Princess with Shirley Temple. I don’t know why, but that movie really resonated with me and I think I incorporated a lot of the drama and tragedy of that story into Boy, along with a healthy dose of another beloved story, The Secret Garden.

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