Chapter 41:New World Gate

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Chapter 41 New World Gate

However, the dean had encountered various situations before, so he reacted quickly after just a moment of stunnedness, and said with a kind smile: "May I know why you have such thoughts?"

Cyril actually had a vague idea. Although he did not form a complete system, he had clearly told him what he could do and what he could say.

Tony looked at him and nodded to him to show encouragement.

"Mr. Dean." Cyril's back was straight, and his words were extraordinarily strong and firm. "In fact, the source of the idea is very simple, that is, we don't want to waste our time. Genetically, omega is not much weaker than alpha and beta, just because The number of people is too small, so our role is ignored, and only the most significant one is to give birth to excellent children. However, there are also geniuses in omega, just like the classmate Tony next to me, he I have received an invitation letter from the institute. After graduation, he can directly enter the institute and reward him with military merits based on his contributions. However, his previous education has left him without a solid foundation. And I am also very particular about the law Interested, I hope to be able to systematically study during the student's study.

Without giving the dean time to think, Cyril continued: "According to the Helleren Imperial College school regulations, there is no rule that omegas cannot be transferred across school districts. The free and enthusiastic learning style of the college has created many outstanding students. The talents of the empire also continuously inject fresh blood into the empire. Therefore, our requirements are out of our heart and do not violate the school regulations, and we can also contribute our own strength to the Heleren Empire.

"We are also well aware of the historical mission of omega, so even if we transfer to school district b, we still follow the graduation requirements of omega, and will not forget the original origin because of the development of personal hobbies."

After the three paragraphs, there was no room for refusal for the dean. Tony's brown eyes were full of admiration, Cyril blinked, and the two clapped in their hearts.

The dean looked deeply at the two standing upright. He has experienced too many things in his life, and years of experience have allowed him to dig out more things from the two young people.

If they agree to change their departments, it does not only mean that two new students have been added to school district b, but it represents a signal that omega can not only receive vase education, not only for childbirth, but also has more value.

This change is a kind of hope, and even more a risk, because the dean is not sure how the opening of the new world gate will impact the omegas.

"I'm very happy that you have such an idea, but whether the request can be answered or not is not my sole decision." The dean said, "So I will hold a meeting with the Board of Education to discuss this matter. You should go back first."

Cyril bowed slightly to the dean and said sincerely: "I hope that Mr. Dean can support and understand the ideas of both of us, and wish you success in your work." Cyril did not say too much. After speaking briefly, he said Tony left.

The dean slowly got up, walked to the window, and looked at the scenery outside in silence. After a while, two young figures appeared on the main road. Their immature faces were full of longing for the future.

Then, the dean's face suddenly showed a helpless but indulgent smile. These children are always young, so imaginative and extremely adventurous.

After leaving the house, Tony said to Cyril, "Thank you, Cyril."

Cyril looked at Tony in confusion, wondering why he suddenly thanked him.

"If it weren't for you, I would not have the opportunity to enter the institute, nor would I have the courage to apply for a transfer with the principal, Cyril, the happiest and most meaningful thing about me entering the academy is to know you and become with you friend."

Tony's rare straightforward words made Cyril a little embarrassed, scratching his hair, Cyril smiled and said: "Tony, gold always shines, you have talent, and you will be able to play one day. I just It's a shortcut for you. If you don't have me, it might be more difficult, but you can definitely succeed. So, if you really thank me, use the time I saved you to study more you want to study. thing."

Tony heard the words and suddenly reached out and hugged Cyril, then gently kissed him on his face: "Cyril, you should be a speaker."

Cyril was suddenly "attacked", and he didn't react at once, and Alves, who was petrified not far away, felt a kind of despair. Did Tony like omega?

Tony apparently saw Alves too, but he didn't pay much attention, and calmly let go of Cyril, instead holding his hand, he was about to pass Alves.

Cyril smiled at Alves in a friendly way, and the other side managed to give a smile back.

"Tony." Alves said suddenly, "may I talk to you?"

Tony didn't speak, instead Cyril let go of Tony's hand and whispered in Tony's ear: "Let's talk." He felt that Alves was very poor.

Tony looked at Alves' pitiful appearance, thought about it, and agreed. Cyril left consciously.

"Tony, I probably won't come here often in the future." Alves said, "But if you need me to do anything, whether it's an experiment or something else, you can call me." The tall alpha is like a The tamed canine is just like a petite omega, almost begging for mercy.

Tony is very indifferent when facing people other than his friends, but after all, after knowing Alves for so long, the two almost have a relationship. Tony still has some closeness to him from the bottom of his heart.

"Did something happen to you?" Tony asked him with rare concern.

Alves immediately distinguished the difference in tone, and his eyes lit up: "Well, I will step up training in the future. There is not so much free time. Tony, you must take good care of yourself, eat on time, and don't because of research. And forget to rest... well, in short, I hope everything goes well for you."

"Well, so are you." Tony replied.

"Yes!" Alves was very excited, and even saluted Tony as if he had received the highest order.

Stupid. Tony rolled his eyes.

Cyril also learned some internal news from Muze.

"I have arranged two fighters for you. Don't run around recently and stay at school honestly." Muze told Cyril, "You can fight for the transfer. I will not interfere."

Cyril hadn't planned to ask his daddy to help. He had grown up mentally and physically, so he could take responsibility for himself and fight for what he wanted. Muze's understanding of him made Cyril feel very ironed.

"Daddy take care of your health." Cyril has become accustomed to staying together with Mu Ze. As a "military sister-in-law", he fully supports Mu Ze's work.

Muze: "..."

The situation in Epps was already very tense, and at this juncture, another ruling man was assassinated. According to clues left on the scene, it was inferred that the assassin was a member of the opposing force.

This assassination became the fuse, completely igniting a duel between the old and new forces.

In addition to a verbal battle, the two sides finally started to do it.

At this time, it has reached April.

Andrew found Cyril through His Royal Highness Angus, asked him to help enter the expedition army, and random soldiers rushed to Eps.

Cyril looked at Andrew with an anxious face, very embarrassed.

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