"AGHH" Minnie giggles. "ahhh" Dalton smiles. "Oh shes messy" Frankie smiles. "shes feeding her self" Dalton smiles. "my sister awake yet" he asks "no shes still sound asleep"

"okay so i think daddy needs to go bath you so mummy doesn't get a messy baby girl when she wakes up" he suggests picking her up. "I want to bath her" Frankie pouts.

"i want to bath her she is my daughter" He states walking into his ensuite and running the bath. "Why we in this bathroom" Ariana yawns sleepily walking in. "Because Frankie was annoying me wanting to bath MY little one" he pouts. "oh okay protective daddy is coming out" she smiles siting onto the toilet.

"i never get to bath our girl and he got to do it for a week. I need my girl" he whines. "Okay okay just bath your girl will you before she gets grumpy" Ariana gives him a kiss.

"Ill go get her outfit ready" Ariana smiles making him nod. Ariana walks out the bedroom and to her little girls room. "have i upset him" Frankie pouts. "More annoyed him" She smiles picking out a dress and tights with grips on the bottom before taking it to him.

"Hi mum" Ariana smiles sitting next to her "Hi sweetheart... Dalton still got Minnie" She asks "Mhm i have no idea what Frankie said to him but he become really protective and wont put her down. I think he just realised how much he missed her when we were away" Ariana smiles.

"Babe" Dalton smiles. "Hey" Ariana smiles looking up at him. "she has a rash" he pouts showing her thigh to her. "it will just be her tights itchy her" Joan smiles making Dalton pull them off her. "where are her white ones she loves" he asks "They are in the dryer" Ariana smiles.

"she has little chunky thighs" Joan giggles "leave my girl alone" she pouts. "they were bigger but she doesn't have milk a lot now and is running around a lot more" Asiana giggles.

"Can we open presents yet" Frankie asks "when Dalton has got Minnie ready again yes" Ariana rolls her eyes.

Minnie walks back and climbs onto Ariana's knee. "we can start" Ariana smiles making Frankie nod handing Minnie a presents. "can someone open one so she gets what os happening" Ariana asks making Victoria grab one and Minnie watches her. Minnie picks up the paper in front of her and tries to pull on it. Ariana smiles helping her.

"oh wow a cute rainbow dress. I wonder who got you this" Ariana laughs. "me" Frankie smiles. "It cute" Dalton smiles. Minnie slides down to the floor snd picks up another one. "That one is for Grandma" Ariana points making Minnie carry it over for her. "Thank you angel" she smiles.

Minnie picked up another one. "That one os for your daddy" Edward points making Minnie place it back to the floor. "aww" Ariana giggles. "that one is for daddy too" He smiles as she picked up another one. Minnie walks over handing it to him. "Dad was the one she picked up heavy" Ariana asks making him look. " a little" he hands it to Ariana.

"I guess you have a new hoodie to steal" He looks to Ariana. "Mine" Ariana takes it making everyone laugh. "told you mum she would steal anything off him you bought" Dakota laughs. "we share" Ariana giggles.

"whats this one" he asks taking off her knee. "My baby girl" he coos "who got this" he sniffs. "Me" Joan smiles. "I stole it off Ariana's phone"

Minnie handed out a few more before getting sad because she hadn't had one in a while. "This one" Ariana points to her making her pick it up. "its for you" Ariana smiles. Minnie takes it to Dalton and Dalton helps her open it. "oh wow some bath toys" he smiles.

"mammy" she cuddled her. "whats up" Ariana asks rubbing her back. "want me to help" Ariana asks making her nod. Ariana slides to the floor. "Aunty Tori" She points. "Uncle Dakota" He smiles making her clap.

Quarantine 🖤 Ariana and DaltonWhere stories live. Discover now