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Ariana woke up at the crack of dawn. The sun rise was just coming up. Ariana smiles gently climbing out of bed pulling her shorts out of her bum before walking downstairs and letting her dogs out while she made herself a coffee. It wasn't very often she got to watch the sun come up anymore especially since she had been with Dalton. Since he made her sleep and rest which she loved about him. Sometimes she didn't know when to stop and needed that push to get some rest.

She was turning 27 in just a few days and it felt very weird to be celebrating her birthday with someone she loved and not really around her family and friends like she would normally be.

Once her coffee was made she went and sat out on one of the sun loungers watching the sun rise while her doggies got comfy led on the grass. It was nice for her to hear nothing but the natural sound of nature around her. It was calming.

Ariana took a photo wanting to show Dalton when her sleepy baby woke up since it looked super cute. Ariana smiles running inside to get her laptop before going to sit back outside with all her animals surrounded by her. Since it was nice and silent Ariana didn't mind doing some work.

Dalton woke up a few hours after Ariana pouting as he felt the bed empty and no more cuddles in the bed by his girl. He climbs off the bed walking around to find her. "Hey sleepy boy" Ariana smiles at him. "Good morning my beautiful angel" He smiles sitting next to her looking down at her. Ariana smiles at him taking in his appearance.

His hair a scruff from sleeping. His eyes still half closed as he hadn't really woken up yet and his clothes creased. "your look cute" she smiles leaning up to give him a kiss.

"I woke up and my baby wasn't next to me. I missed my morning snuggle from you" he sadly pouts. "aww baby. I'm sorry. But i wanted to watch the sunrise" she puts her laptop down climbing into his lap. She could tell he was still so sleepy since it was only 8am and they are used to cuddling for a while in bed till they got their motivation to get out snd be productive.

Dalton smiles into her neck as she sat there letting him cuddle her. She was good at that. Just cuddling him and being there for him when he just wanted a cuddle or a kiss. "i took a photo of the sunrise for you because it looked cute and because my handsome man is super cute it made me smile" Ariana smiles grabbing her phone showing him the photo. "maybe one of your fans can edit us into it and it will be even better" he jokes making her giggle "your funny sometimes" she smiles "sometimes I hope i make you laugh constantly" he tickles her making her squeal squirming around in his lap.

"baby stop it" she laughs trying to push him off but her weak ass not being able to. "what's the magic word" He asks "I love you" Ariana asks "nope" he shakes his head. "I love Dalton Gomez with all of my heart because he makes me happy and smile when i feel sad and i want to spent the rest of my life with him" she asks making him stop as his eyes well up with tears. Not sad tears happy tears. "I made you cry" she pouts sitting up. "y-you want to spend the rest of your life with me" he sniffs "I do" she nods hugging him.

"your perfect Dalton. You make me happy and constantly smile. You make me laugh. You know how to make me feel good when i need it. You are the most kind and generous person ever." she breaths. "you are so kind about my emotions which lets be honest their a mess" she laughs a little. He went to speak but she hushed him.

"You have loads of tattoo and they are such a big turn on for me. Honestly you don't understand how much self control I have to have when I see your tattoos. You make my heart burst every time you walk into the room. Your not in it for my money and I love you so much" she smiles at him.

"I love you so much too" he smiles back at her before leaning in for a passionate kiss. Ariana closes her eyes as his lips touch hers. Before opening as he pulled away.

"you mean so much to me Ariana. And From what you say I know I mean so much to you too. I'm so happy I'm the one who gets to cuddle you when your sad. I get to make you feel extremely good when we have out little intimate sessions. Im the one who wakes up and goes to sleep with your beautiful face every single day. Im one lucky man"

"I'm one lucky woman. My kids are going to have such a great dad one day" She smiles. "There going to have such a good gentle loving mama too" He smiles.

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