8| Plans to Shake Some Ass

Start from the beginning

"I can text Clay and make his attendance mandatory after he's finished work," Cayden said. "If you want to, of course. Up to you. He might show up anyway."

I turned around to get 2 mugs, assuming Cayden might want some coffee. I thought about seeing Clay tonight. I didn't really even know what would happen if I saw him. Cayden and Logan seemed to think something would happen romantically. I didn't even know what I wanted. Or what he wanted for that matter.

And then there was the text I sent to Alexander. No response as of yet. The door between us was either closed or nonexistent. I didn't want to dwell on it if there was nothing to dwell about in the first place.

"Text Clay. Tell him it's 'highly recommended' that he makes an appearance."

I spun around and handed a mug over to Cayden while I put some hazelnut creamer and Sweet-N-Low packets into my own coffee. If coffee wasn't super sweet, I wasn't going to fucking drink it. (Minus the occasional cappuccino after a long night.)

"Hell yes! I'm texting him asap. And I am already praising you for this coffee. Did your sugar daddy buy this too?" Cayden asked.

"It was here when I arrived. The dude hooked me up."

"So your sister's boyfriend pays for this place?" Cayden asked and I nodded. I had no trouble admitting that this type of money was definitely not mine. But then Cayden added, "So what was the reason for your move?"

That, I had a bit more trouble admitting.

It was true that I came to play basketball at UGA and to get a change of scenery, but neither of those were the main reason. It was deeper, more meaningful, than that. It wasn't so simple. I didn't need a change of scenery just because I was bored of the one I'd grown up with. I needed a change because I was desperate for something new. I needed to stop being so ridiculously lonely at UCLA, so hateful towards school, so scared to be myself, so caught up in the feeling that UCLA was eerily similar to the high school experience I mostly hated.

I didn't know Cayden well enough to make him go all 'therapist' on me. I thought the dude was nice and genuine. He seemed like the kind of guy who made friends so easily, and I was thankful that he was considering me a friend so early on. Because friends weren't exactly my forte... Never had been.

"Just had a bad time going to college at UCLA," I admitted with a shrug. "I wasn't really comfortable there."

For me, it was a pretty big admission.

"That sucks," Cayden said. "Clay went to UCLA for volleyball. He's a beast on the court and then a little cutie pie off of it. And so you just chose UGA because they offered you a spot?"

I nodded. "Basically. And Georgia seemed nice enough, you know? Warm enough for me, warmer than I'm used to actually, and pretty."

"You'll love the club scene. Trust me. There are some great under 21 clubs we'll take you to."

"Do you usually go to under 21 clubs?" I asked, smiling at Cayden.

He laughed a little. "Nah. We're all over 21. But for Ty Ham? We're going to be inclusive. Plus, I'm serious about the under 21 clubs. They're still sick."

"Well, I'm fucking in. I could let loose a bit."

"That's the spirit!" Cayden exclaimed, then looked around the apartment. "You're gonna need to give me a tour. And the contact information for your sister's boyfriend."



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