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Imagine- You're good friends with Meadow and Harrison, and they convince you to join the cult. You're very nervous and don't know what to expect, luckily you're welcomed by Kai.
Your POV-
Tense: Present

I begin to walk down the stairs that lead us to the basement. Harrison's in front of me, Meadow behind. I take a deep breath and gulp. Meadow puts her hand on my shoulder.

"It's okay." She whispers into my ear. "Kai will love you." I put my hand onto hers and step off onto the ground. Harrison grabs my other hand and drags me in front of a couch. There he is.


I feel my hands begin to shake as Kai stands up. He's handsome yet terrifying. I don't know what to do or say. Kai bends down to my height and slightly turns his head.

"She's a little small... isn't she?" He asks Harrison.

"Yeah... but she's smart." Harrison says. "She'd be great with plans and traps." Kai slowly nods.

"Come here." Kai says grabbing my wrist and setting me down in a chair. "Harrison! Meadow! Get out!" He shouts. The two run back up stairs and leave me alone with Kai.

Kai slowly makes his way to the seat across fron me. He sits down and puts out his pinky.

"What are you doing?" I quietly ask.

"Pinky to pinky." He mumbles. I stare at him oddly. "GIVE ME YOUR PINKY!" He yells. I jump and quickly put my pinky out. We intertwine pinkies. "Now you can't lie." My eyes widen.

"Lie about what?" I ask.

"Any question I ask... I'll know if your lying." He says. I begin to think rapidly.

How do I prove to Kai that I should be apart of the cult?

"Are you sure you wanna be apart of the cult?" He asks. Suddenly it hits me... I've always been good at lying.

"No." I say. Kai makes a face. "I think this is dumb. I don't understand why you hired people like Meadow and Harrison. They suck. I think what you do is upsurd and terrible... infact I hope you all rot in hell for the terrible things you've done asshole. The only reason I'm here is to see how messed up this was... guess what, it's pretty bad." Kai let's go of my pinky and stands up flustered.

"Excuse me?!" He shouts. "What the hell is your problem?"

"You heard me. I hope you rot in hell. Kai, you. Are. An. Asshole. You're a terrible leader and not to mention, you look like a literal  drug addict." Kai walks close to me and gets in my face.

"You little bitch... What the hell are you doing here if you don't wanna join? I should just kill you here and now." He says and grabs my wrist and slapping me across the face. The slap doesn't shockingly hurt, but I grab my face.

"Oh my God, Chill... it's a joke." Kai steps back and makes a face. "I'm lying... even though you said you'd catch me." I say shrugging and laughing a bit.

"What?" He says and begins to turn red.

"I said, I was lying. First off I love Harrison and Meadow! They're my bestfriends! Second I do wanna be in the cult... finally, I think you're honestly really smart." I tell him.

"Really?" He asks.

"Yep." I tell him and cross my arms.

"You're better than I thought." He sits back down. "You're in." He quickly mutters.

"Good." I answer him and get up. "It was nice meeting you Kai." I tell him and walk out.

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