♡Oliver~ I'm sorry♡

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Imagine~ You have been seeing Dr. Thredson for a few weeks now. You don't know if you killed the people you were framed for killing. You don't think you did, but the staff has convinced you you have. The only friend you have is Oliver, and he's here to comfort you.

(Y/N) POV-
Tense- present

It's been one month at Briarcliff and 3 weeks with Dr. Thredson. He meets with me everyday from 1-3.

Usually we talk about my life before Braircliff, or sometimes we talk about what life is like here at Briarcliff.

He's a nice guy and I really enjoy being with him. He makes me feel safe in a dangerous place.

I know he isn't like others though. It's as if he has no emotions, infact he always looks pissed.

Today is a new day and my time to meet with Dr. Thredson.

I walk into his cold, little, office space. He's sitting at his desk.

"Hello (Y/N), how are you?" He asks as I sit down in the chair across from his desk.

"I'm fine, though I'm really tired." He scribbles on his little notepad.

"Did you get any sleep?" He asks me.

"No. I couldn't sleep." I answer.

"And why is that?" He looks up at me.

"I don't know." I say, but in reality I do know. I couldn't get Oliver out of my head last night. I like him a lot, but I don't want him knowing.

He takes off his glasses and sighs.

"This is the 4th day in a row that you haven't slept. You need to sleep at some point." He says and rubs his forehead.

"I know Dr. Thredson." I say quietly.

"Maybe... Maybe I can see if Sister Jude will allow you to come back here after I'm done talking to Kit Walker." I can't help but blush when he says that.

"You don't have-" He cuts me off.

"If we want you to get out anytime soon we need you to be wide awake." I listen to him and nod. "Now, have you thought about the crime you were framed for. Can you remember anything."

I suddenly freeze and feel my hands tingle. My heart pounds. I know I didn't commit a crime, but everyone is telling me I am, and I don't even know anymore.

"I'm sorry Dr. Thredson, I-I don't even know anymore. I want to say I didn't do it, but everyone says I did. Am I crazy." I wipe away a tear and feel a shocking pain in my head.

"You aren't crazy, trust me. Once you're out of here, we'll get you off of the medication they put you on and hopefully everything will come back." He smiles at me.

"We'll?" I ask.

"We're doing this together." Oliver answers back. My heart melts when he tells me that. I nod and smile.

"Thank you Dr. Thredson." I say. He shuts his notepad.

"Now, what's on your mind (Y/N)?" He asks me and leans further down, closer to me.

I smile and I rant on and on, and the entire time he listens.

I wish Thredson wasn't crazy.💕

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