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Imagine: Brooke is new to the aerobics classes and she gets you as trainer. You instantly enjoy hanging out with her.

This is a female × female story! (And my first one might I add) I hope you enjoy. Also this was a request, so I hope you enjoy!
Tense: present
Your POV-

I grab my water bottle and take a sip of the ice cold, refreshing water. I wipe away the sweat on my forehead with my hand.

"Okay, so I know the perfect person to help you with your aerobics." I hear a voice say. The voice is very familiar. I believe it's Montana. I turn around and see Montana standing with another girl. She's smiling, but very awkwardly. She seems a bit clueless. "Hey, (Y/N)! This is Brooke... she's new to aerobics and needs a bit of help... I thought you could help!" Montana smiles. "Trust me, (Y/N) is the best trainer out there. She taught me everything I know, and she even helped Xavier learn new things and Xavier is literally a trainer now."

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." I put my hand out and Brooke grabs it. She lightly shakes it and smiles.

"Okay, I gotta go catch up with the boys. I'll be back later." Montana smiles and leaves. Brooke raises an eyebrow and stares.

"But we didn't even ask if I could-" Is all Brooke could get out before Montana disappeared in the distance, laughing.

"Oh, no. It's fine. This isn't the first time Montana has done something like this to me." I chuckle and smile. Brooke nods. "So... you're new to aerobics?"

"Yeah... Yesterday was my first day. Montana told me I could use a little extra help." Brooke shrugged and chuckled a bit.

"Okay, well, I can do that." I smile at her and she smiles back, happily. "Come here." I lead her over to the middle of the room. "Sit and start stretching. Let's get to know each other first." Brooke quietly sits down.

"Thanks for doing this and helping me. I'm new in town and I've been trying some new things..." Brooke smiles again.

"Do you enjoy doing aerobics?" I ask, curiously. I sit down next to her and begin stretching.

"Oh... yeah. It's really fun." She also begins stretching. "I think it's also a great workout and honestly it seems to be very effective. How long have you been doing aerobics?" She leans to the side stretching, waiting for my response patiently. I think about it for a moment trying to remember.

"2 maybe 3 years. I've only been a trainer for a year though." I stand up. "Here, I'm gonna help you with your starting position." She nods and gets up. Our conversation continues, talking about aerobics, Montana and the other boys, and even the infamous serial killings that have been happening recently. I show her how to stand, having to help her a lot. I put my hands on her hips and twist her torso to the side.

"You're really good at this." Brooke smiles as I twist her to the side.

"Thank you." I chuckle a bit. After a bit of time and working on a few moves, Montana sneaks in. She cheers loudly and makes Brooke jump out of fear. I begin to laugh loudly. "Don't worry, you get used to it. She sneaks up on everyone a lot."

"Did you have fun?" Montana shouts.

"Yeah, this was really helpful... I'd actually like to do it again if possible." Brooke smiled.

"Oh, yeah. Of course! This was a lot fun, and you're a really fast learner. You have a lot of potential!" Brooke stares at me. I freeze for a moment, just staring into her eyes. I feel my smile fade a bit, as I fidget with my hands.

"Okay, well the boys are waiting for us out there. Let's go Brooke." Montana smiles and grabs Brooke's hand, making both Brooke and I, snap back into reality. Montana drags Brooke out of the room as quickly as possible. I sit down silently, thinking about Brooke and starting to believe I have a crush on her.

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