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Felicity's POV

It wasn't long before Marcus strode into the room with the biggest bag of Chinese food I'd ever seen. Clearly noticing my reaction he laughed and shrugged as if it were perfectly acceptable to buy enough food for ten people when there was only the two of us.

It was quiet while he unpacked all the food and I knew he'd pick up on it if I kept quiet for too long.

Making an over the top excited squeal for food, I grabbed the nearest container of noodles and chop sticks before filling my mouth in the most unladylike manner. Christ, I don't think I'm going to have to do anything to get him to go back to work if I keep acting like a pig!

He laughed at my cheeks filled with food and dug into his own. We sat in a comfortable silence while my brain ran through everything I was going to say. I just had to pray to every God that would listen that Marcus would agree to my plan.

After my stomach was full I put the rest of the containers onto the chest of drawers in my room. Marcus was still munching on some when I turned and said what he wouldn't have expected in a million years.

"Can we go to your place tonight? I think we need a more private place than my parents home." I looked down and then looked at him through my lashes, trying to convey what I meant with my eyes. I know I haven't been to his since the whole thing but it's time I start to move on and help him move on to. It's been weeks.

"Umm...maybe in a couple of weeks sweetheart. Let's make sure you're really up to it." I had a feeling it was going to be a little harder than a little flirting.

"Oh..." is all I can say. I grab an overnight bag from my wardrobe and find some sexy underwear that I bought when Marcus was away and some lingerie the girls convinced me to buy online. "I just thought now we know it doesn't hurt me to have sex, you'd like to use these but that's fine if you don't." I slowly lift up the garments and hold them to my body before letting out a sigh. "I guess I'll just keep them in here for when you're ready to go back home."

I keep my head down to over emphasise how disappointed I am when I feel his arms reach for me to pull me between his legs on the bed. His massive hands span over the middle of my back before he moves them down achingly slow to my hips.

I peak up again through my lashes and see the lust back in his eyes.

"What's going on? You haven't wanted to go to mine at all. What's with the sudden change?" I lick my lips slowly and watch his eyes follow the movement before pressing me into him even more.

"I want us to move on, to go back to the way we were. We only just started this and I feel like I'm made of glass. Like I'm too fragile for anything. I need to feel strong again. To feel like I can live my life and not have to have a body guard every time I want to do or go anywhere." A single tear trickled down my cheek and I wiped it away quickly.

Marcus pulled me into a hug. I've never felt as safe as I do when I'm wrapped in his arms feeling him against me. He was my strength and I was going to take his bravery to help fuel my own.

"Now, let's take this food and all my sexy underwear to your house for the night." I said in a tone that left no room for argument. He didn't say anything but let me pack my bag anyway.

"If you want to leave at any point, I don't care if it's three in the morning, then we leave ok. I really don't care that it's my house!"

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