Mother Mayhem

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I opened my eyes with a start and then shut them just as quick. God it was bright in here. It took me a few seconds to remember the events of last night and then I feel the tingling down below that confirms my memories. I peak my eyes open a little and let them adjust and then look around the bed for Marcus. He's gone.

I sit up slowly and hold the sheet to my chest. He's not in his room. I take the time to look around and I'm not disappointed. He clearly likes grey. I like the masculinity and modern aspects of it. But it looks very new and unused. I wonder how often he actually gets to stay here. He's away a lot, or he used to be. I mean, he hasn't said anything about when he's away next. Don't get your hopes up Fliss. It might take a year to have these five dates!

I look around the bed to see if I can find any clothes but there's nothing. Great I'm either going to go down stairs in a sheet or I'm looking through his drawers for a top! I vote option two.

I wait a few seconds and listen to see if I can hear anyone. Where the hell is he? After seconds of silence, I decide I'd risk walking to his chest of drawers naked and quickly find something to throw on.

Pushing the duvet back, I then tip toe over to his drawers. I don't want him to catch me naked and going through his stuff. I open the top drawer and find his boxers. After trying the next two drawers I finally find some T-shirt's and they're large so I know they'll be baggy enough to hide my modesty, mostly.

I opt for the white one and then throw it over my head quickly. I know my clothes are down stairs so I'll just borrow this until I can put mine back on. I open the door and walk across the landing and down the stairs. It's then I see the reason why he probably didn't wake me up and I'm stuck, frozen to the spot because I have no idea how I'm meant to respond.

I'm standing in a white t-shirt and nothing else while Jane Daniels stares at me with eyes bulging out of her head. I just stand there staring. I probably have the same expression on my face as she does. Tentatively turning around, I try to creep back up the way I came.

"Oh no you don't misses! You know I've seen you and just in my sons t-shirt at that!" Oh my God. Please ground swallow me whole. I'm fine to never return just let this moment be over. I spin around and I see Marcus biting his lip. Is he smiling. Scrap that. He's holding back laughter!

"I really think I should find something more appropriate to wear and then we can talk about this. Deal?" I'm trying anything right now. I just want to leave. Maybe I can come back down and just run out of the front door then.

"So it's your pair of shorts and knickers that Marcus picked up when I walked in this morning huh?" She's smiling now and I'm not sure why her and Marcus seem to find this funny. I'm dying here. Marcus strolls over and hands me my shorts and underwear. He blocks the way with his body so Jane can't see me and I'm grateful as I slip them on.

"Morning beautiful." He whispers and bends to kiss my cheek. I, however, am not feeling so bright right now and completely ignore him and focus on the woman behind him. I'm still braless so I haven't restored all my confidence but enough to face what's coming.

"Whatever. Thanks for the heads up. Dick!" I harshly whisper back and step around him. I hear his muffled laughter and then he joins me in the kitchen. I take a seat at the breakfast bar, three seats away from Jane and I look at Marcus standing by the stove. "I'll have a coffee. Strong with milk and no sugar." I then face Jane. "Let's get this over with. Give me your worst." I don't break eye contact but my insides are on fire. Go away nerves, I can't afford to be pathetic right now!

"Yes ma'am!" Marcus salutes and starts with the coffee and Jane just stares back and forth at us.

"I'm...happy for both of you." She's happy? What the hell is this? "It's about time you both admitted how you feel about each other and see where things go. All though I'm surprised to find you in this state so soon Felicity. Him I'm not so shocked at, but you...what's changed in you? You don't do stuff like this?" Oh shit! She wants this conversation in front of Marcus. I glance at him quickly and he's focused on making the coffee but I just can't say things I want to say in front of him to his mother when I haven't even said these things to him.

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