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Felicity's POV:

My heart rate was through the roof as I stared into his eyes. Eyes that held so much love and tenderness. Eyes that were still staring back at me like I was a prize and he'd just won the jackpot.

"Fliss..." his voice chocked in his throat and I could tell he was holding himself back.

"Come here." My voice was croaky and sounded like an old dear that had smoked all her life, but Marcus didn't care. He moved slowly and carefully, like he was approaching a petrified animal that might scarper at any moment.

When he finally reached my bed side I couldn't hold it in any longer. Tears that had pooled in my eyes started to stream down my face and I could feel my whole body start to shake with the sobs I was trying not to let leave.

Strong arms encircled my shoulders and I could feel myself being pressed against a hard chest. I gripped his T-shirt like my life depended on it and just let it out. The fear I'd tried to control while I was kidnapped, the thought that I might be raped, thinking I might actually not make it out of there alive. It was all so much to try and hold in.

I could vaguely hear Marcus's soothing whispers of comfort but I didn't need it really. I just needed to hold him and be held all the same.

After a long time of silently just holding each other, I pull away slowly to reach for the plastic cup of water on the table by the bed. The water hurt as I swallowed but it soon started to ease the dryness after my second glass.

Marcus pulled me back into his arms and kissed my temple. It was such a sweet gesture but it hurt like hell. It still made all the butterflies in my tummy explode but with added pain to my head. This is the man I want to spend the rest of my life with and I'd take  the pain tenfold just to feel him with me.

"How're you feeling?" His voice was a whisper, almost like he was afraid of the answer.

"I'm doing ok...Marcus, I need to than—"

"Don't you dare thank me Fliss. I should've been there to begin with," he pulls away and looks so intensely into my eyes that I can feel mine start to water all over again " if I hadn't gone, or if I was back earlier, we wouldn't be going through this right now, you wouldn't have had to go through anything."

It takes me a moment to process what he's saying and then I'm ready to really tell him off.

"Do you really think that you can go the rest of your life not working and just sitting at home looking after me. I have news for you, I'm still going to be working, I'm still going to carry on with life and I want you to do the same. Marcus, you're not my bodyguard. As amazing of a job that would be for you watching my every move, it's not going to happen. You're amazing at your job. Hell, you wouldn't have found me if you weren't. Please, please don't blame yourself for this. The only person to blame is that psycho ex of mine and his minion!"

By the time I'm finished I notice the slight smirk on his face. "What's so funny?" After my speech the last thing I expected was for him to laugh.

"I just can't believe how incredible you are sometimes. Nothing seems to stop you. I'm so proud of you Fliss. You really are amazing and I'm so sorry you went through this. As for me being good at what I do, you really need to thank Jonah, he's the one that spotted your clues first. I was an angry mad man who couldn't see straight!" 

"Oh I bet he's going to gloat about that for a long time. I can only imagine how angry you were. I know my clues weren't great but it was all I could think of at the time." I move slightly and I feel a burning sensation in my ribs. It felt like a knife was slicing through me. It reminded me that I'm actually hurt and then I start to feel the aches and pains that cover my body.

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