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Lauren was right. Blackbox has an amazing beer garden. I haven't been here before but I definitely want to come back. Lauren explains how the place was renovated last Christmas but no one had been able to use the garden yet because of the weather. When they finally opened the garden in April this year, it's been the place to go if it's warm enough.

I'm well aware of the penetrating gaze of the group in the corner but I'm trying my hardest to ignore them. I still have no idea how they were able to get here before me. The only thing slowing us down was Roman stopping to get petrol.

I let my eyes wander over the wooden chairs and beautiful centre tree wrapped in dazzling fairy lights. It truly is beautiful here. The front of this place looks like your usual bar; maybe a little more modern than others but then this outside space is definitely more London style than Welsh town. Maybe it's because it's a little closer to the city than we would normally go but it's definitely worth it.

My outfit isn't unusual to the others here and I'm glad Alice knew to pack something more revealing than I normally would have. I fit in well with the crowd and my group of girls look quite the part dressed in full black.

When a very charming waiter appears at our table I soon realise that we can have food here. Finally! I'm starving and I know if I eat nothing I'll be very sorry tomorrow.

"Well hello there ladies, aren't you the beautiful bunch." He says loudly and it gets a giggle from Becca. Keep it in your pants Becca!

I grab the menu while he and she flirt and I'm torn between options when Alice leans close to my ear.

"Is there a reason Marcus and his bunch of machine men have followed you here?" Shit! She noticed!

"He thinks Jackson is going to try something soon." She quirks her eyebrow but looks equally as confused about it as I am.

"So gorgeous, what can I get for you?" I smile at the waiter but then I see the stony faces of the men behind and quickly wipe my smile. This is going to be hell.

"Can I have the spaghetti carbonara please." I narrow my eyes at the guys and I see Marcus smile at me like there's some hidden joke. He's being such an ass.

The waiter takes the rest of the orders and leaves but not before giving his number to Becca. She's definitely going to be using that by the look on her face.

"Sorry ladies, I'm just going to go to the bathroom. I need to touch up my make up from this morning." I say quietly and Alice gives me a quizzical look once again before I start heading back inside the bar.

When I get through the doors I lean again the wall just inside the door frame and wait for Marcus. I know he'll follow.

And just as I was beginning to doubt myself, in walks the man of the hour. I grab his arm and push him to the wall. I know he knew it was me otherwise I wouldn't like to see what he would've done.

"You think it's funny following me out with my friends?" I sound so bitter that I take a second to swallow and calm myself. This is Marcus. The man I love for god sake!

"Sweetheart calm down. After all, it's what I do best." The smirk on his face makes a small smile appear on mine but I'm quick to wipe it away. This man!

"It's not funny Marcus. I'm pissed at you. How dare you. You tell your friends that I'm some weak bimbo that needs help protecting herself and then—"

"Stop." He looks like he's in pain and I place my hands on his chest while he closes his eyes. Is he counting? "Fliss, I know you're not weak, hell, all the guys know you're not weak. Do you not remember kneeing Jonah in the balls? Didn't you just spend an hour in a house filled with a special forces team and not bat an eyelid?! Jesus Christ Fliss, no-one said you were weak."

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