Hard in Public

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My alarm wakes me with a jolt and I quickly press snooze. I'd decided that I needed to start getting my life together and so I was now getting up at eight to be able to get myself ready for work in three weeks.

After snoozing four times, I finally get up at 8:20am and drag myself to my chair where I'd already set out my running clothes. The run on Sunday showed that I really wasn't doing well with not following my routine.

Making my way downstairs, I smiled at the brightness in my appearance as I passed the mirror. Things were changing and definitely for the better.

Jackson had finally buggered off and things were looking up for me and Marcus. When I took him to the door last night, he'd asked if I could go on another date with him on Wednesday.

He'd said it would be a proper date and that he wanted to take me somewhere special. It was starting to make me panic more that it was now classed as a proper date. I was a nervous wreck for the first date!

Just as I finished my stretches, I quickly walked into the kitchen to kiss my parents goodbye before they left for work.

"Someone's a little brighter this morning. Anything to do with a particular guy?" My Mum was such a nosy little nightmare! I just smiled coyly at her and noticed the look of distaste on my fathers face.

"Be nice Dad. He's a good guy and you always liked him when he was just Roman's friend."

"Whatever you say Tinkerbell! I just don't want anyone else to hurt you. It was hell watching you suffer after Jackson left. Why can't you just stay single and be a cat person like Aunt Jenny?"

I looked at my mother and we both burst out laughing. Really? He wanted another Aunt Jenny in the family?

"Sure sure. Bye guys!" I kissed them both on the cheek and started towards the front door. I heard the ping of my phone and was quite shocked that anyone I know would be up at this time.

Good morning sweetheart. I know you're probably sleeping but I wanted you to wake up to this.


How is he so different with me? I've never seen this side of him. Not that I'm complaining but is it just a little too good to be true?

Good morning yourself. Not sleeping, off for a run actually :-P

I wait a few seconds to see those three dots appear but when nothing appears I decide to just catch up with him later.

I manage to get a good pace going and get the park a lot quicker than usual. With music blaring in my ears, I feel the energy of a thousand people as I push myself to go even faster.

I start to time my laps and I see them get faster and faster. I really am in a good mood today.

After five laps I decide to cool down a little and then I'll go for another five. As I'm walking around for my one lap cool down, I feel a presence behind me. My body starts to tingle and my nerves are on end.

Thinking back to when Roman taught me some self defence moves, I start to quicken my pace to see if they match. I feel them get closer and closer and my heart starts to beat uncontrollably.

I stop dead and feel them bump into my back. A hand appears on my hip from behind and I go into overdrive. Thank you Roman, I love you.

I elbow their stomach and stamp on their foot. I spin around and just as I'm about to punch them in the nose, my eyes go wide as I stare at his face.

Is he laughing at me?

I pull my earbuds out and give him my biggest death glare. My heart still hasn't returned to normal but now I'm furious.

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