Wall Sex

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True to his word, we only cuddled and kissed but sex was definitely off the table. I had to admit, as much as I was enjoying the mood, I don't think I was ready to have sex here yet.

I was currently sitting in the dinning room of Marcus's house with my girls around me. I'd pushed Marcus out the door at 10:40am to go to the cafe. I think the only reason he left without a fuss was because the girls turned up at half ten. Apparently listening to us chat for ten minutes was already enough for him.

"So...have you two...?" Becca picks up a doughnut from the table and pokes her finger through it a few times before making a rather loud moan. I just stared in shock while the other two burst out in fits of giggles.

"Really? Was that necessary?" I tut but I can't help the slight smirk that appears on my face. I love having my girls around me. It always makes me feel like we can do anything. Conquer anything.

"Well, we have. But definitely not here yet." I look down, clearly embarrassed that I didn't take it further with him because of the house.

I already feel them talking to each other through meaningful looks and eye gestures. It's a skill you learn when you become best friends.

"How was it?" Lauren asks. Obviously trying to take it back to when we actually did have sex.

"Well, I think we can safely say we both still have amazing sex. It's just this place. Once I'm settled here with him for a while then I know I'll be better and sex will be natural here again." At the moment I felt like I was always checking the shadows and actually needed Marcus to walk me into his bathroom this morning in case someone was in there. I just need time to realise he's not here.

The logical side of my brain knows he's in custody and won't be able to break in here but the stupid and irrational side of my brain thinks he's the villain of a fairy tale that's going to magically turn up at any moment.

The door opens and in walks Marcus's mum who looks just as stunned to see us and we are her.

"Oh good god! You scared the bloody shit out of me!!" She takes a few seconds to catch her breath and I walk over as quickly as my body will allow ready to reassure her.

"I'm so sorry Jane! I thought Marcus had said I was here."

"Nope! Stupid man could've text. I nearly had a heart attack then!" That's when it hit me. It wasn't just me who was worried about coming and going from here.

"Please, sit down Jane and I'll make you some tea. Help yourself to some brunch. The girls went massively overboard and cleared half of Marks and Sparks on their way over." I busied myself and enjoyed listening to them chat while I made tea for Jane. It was lovely to see how comfortable she was with my friends. I was lucky to have known her all my life but now that I was her sons girlfriend, I wanted her to be more involved. Be a part of my life and his.

"So back to the sex!" Lauren says once my bum hits the chair. I might as well have kept falling because my stomach feels like it's just dropped out of me!

"Well, umm...err...maybe we could talk about your new job!" I try to deflect.

"Oh, yes please. I'd much rather hear about the job than what this one gets up to behind closed doors with my son." Jane laughs but her suggestive eyebrows make my cheeks flush. What a woman!

"Oh, Jane. I—"

"If you even think of telling me that no such thing had happened then maybe I need to point you back to a time to when I walked in on you walking down the stairs in quite honestly, next to nothing." And just like that. I died. My body was the colour of Sebastian the crab and I wanted none other than to scuttle sideways out of the room and to disappear into a shell!

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