Worst Nightmare

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Warning: sensitive topics. ***

My palms were thick with sweat and I knew things weren't going to end well for me in this situation.

How the hell did Jackson get into the house?

"It was actually quite funny how scared you were by your school. I always knew you were going to be easy the moment I sat next to you in class."

He was there watching me all along. The psychopath!

How dare he! My blood was boiling but for some stupid reason my mouth stayed shut and I just stared at this monster that was my boyfriend for so many years.

"You think you can just pick and choose when we're done?!" His voice showed how annoyed he was getting but I didn't know what to say.

Yes I do think I can choose!

Again my mouth stayed shut.

"Flissy, Flissy, Flissy...I've let you have your fun with Mr Actionman but now it's time to act like the adult that you are and realise what a mistake you've made. You know he can't give you what I can." With every word from his mouth he inched his way closer and closer until he ran his thumb over my bottom lip.

My head is screaming at me to run for it but I'm frozen and completely petrified. He wouldn't hurt me surely? If he wants me back, he's not going to hurt me.

Before I could even begin to convince myself further he drew his hand back and slapped me hard across my cheek. My face turned to the side with the amount of force behind it and the sting was biting into my skin over and over again.

Tears pooled in my eyes but I fought hard to stop them from running. How did I not see how crazy this man was before?

No, this boy! A man respects a woman!

"Now, be a good little girl and go get your things. You're coming back to mine. My parents have rented us a lovely house about an hour from here. Much bigger than this piece of shit you're staying in."

I nodded my head and stood slowly on shaking legs. Was this a trick? My mind was thinking of a million different scenarios but I knew getting upstairs away from him for a few minutes would let me clear my head and think of a plan.

My phone was tucked away securely in my bra. Thank God for being a paranoid idiot about loosing the thing.

As I inched closer to the stairs a pillow hit the back of my head. I turned, stunned, to see a smile on his face.

"Hurry up baby! I'm giving you ten minutes then I'm coming to get you whether you're ready or not." The evil, twisted smirk on his face sent a shiver through me but he mistook it as a sign of attraction and my stomach dropped at the thought of him touching me.

I turned and dashed up the stairs locking the bedroom door as quickly as I could. It didn't sound like he followed so I went straight to the wardrobe and threw somethings into a bag to look like I was doing what he asked.

When I had a decent bag packed with stuff that wasn't all mine, some of Marcus's clothes had mixed in, I pulled my phone out and phoned the police as quickly as I could.

I selected the line for the police and was put straight through to an operator.

"I need police now. My ex has broken in and he's threatening to take me somewhere." I was whisper rambling but thankfully the woman was keeping up.

"Miss, stay calm. Are you in a safe place now?"

"My names Felicity Young. I've locked myself in a bedroom. He told me to pack a bag and that he's going to take me in ten minutes. I complied just to get away. Please, he's not stable. He thinks I should be with him but he's scaring the shit out of me!" My nerves were getting the better of me now and I just wanted them to appear like magic outside this bedroom door.

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