A walk in the park

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When I wake up at 7:30am, my head feels like it's had several rounds with Mike Tyson. Clearly drinking so much Prosecco and the tension of the evening got to me.

I look at my reflection in the mirror and laugh at my messy hair and stupidly smug expression. I can still see Marcus's stunned face as I walked away from him last night. I don't think I've ever felt so powerful.

As I pick up my phone I notice four texts from the man of the hour and giggle at his desperation.

How can you leave after that? Come to mine? X

You can't leave me high and dry like this. Can I come to yours? X

Sweetheart, you there? Are you ok? Are you home?

I've spoken to Roman and I know you're safe. Never not answer me again. I nearly stormed through your house looking for you.

I quickly move my fingers over the screen and answer him because I know he'll be furious with me this morning.

Hey baby, I'm safe. Had a lovely nights sleep and I dreamt of you. xx

Thinking I've saved my ass for the day and made sure he can't be angry with me, I quickly put my running gear on and laugh at how cheesy my text was. Hopefully it wins him over though.

When I walk into the kitchen ten minutes later, my parents are just on their way out to get to work. Roman is sitting on the breakfast bar in his works gear and I realise that he must be going back to work today after his leave.

"You finally going back to work after two weeks off? Has it really been two weeks already?" I look at his suit and smile at how immaculate he looks. My brother, the business man.

"Nah, I only took the week. There are so many problems going on at the moment that I thought I might as well just bank the other week for another time. Besides, I took it off to look after you. You seem to be doing fine now! Though that's probably Marcus's doing, not mine." He looks happy but slightly confused by his sentence.

My mouth gapes at him. He took time off to look after me? Has it really only been a week since I've been back to my happy self?

I let my body run into my brothers and I wrap my arms around him in the tightest hug I've ever given him. I half expected him to push me away but when he wraps his arms around me and hugs me just as hard I sigh happily. I love this guy so much.

"That means the world to me. You have no idea how grateful I am for the things you do for me." I squeeze a little tighter and he fakes a chocking sound.

"Fuck Fliss! I can't breathe! What's up with the over emotional early morning?" I can tell he's hit his quota of kind words towards me and I smile widely before letting him go and shrugging at his words. He has no idea how sweet he really is.

As I turn to leave the kitchen he snags my arm and the look he gives me is somewhat pitiful.

"Marcus is fuming so I would make sure to tread carefully. He got so worried when you didn't reply to his texts. Also I feel like something happened at the bar but he told me it was in my best interest not to know...?"

He trails off as if waiting for me to suddenly fill in the blanks.

"Oh, trust me, you really don't want to know! I know how to handle dear Marcus don't you worry yourself." I smile wickedly and he shudders at my comment. I seem to forget that he's actually best friends with Marcus and always seem to say a little too much around him since we started dating...maybe even before.

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