Parental Problems

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I stare at Marcus's eyes and we both freeze, too afraid to move. Personally, I thought if I stayed still long enough my father would just think I'd had a heart attack or a stroke and leave me alone. When Roman stood up to try and ease the situation he only seemed to make the situation worse.

"You knew about this Roman?" My father really wasn't impressed but I couldn't really understand why. He knew Marcus.

Maybe that was the problem.

Hadn't I too been concerned about Marcus's playboy past and inability to settle into any sort of relationship other than a one night stand. Was it really his fault though? I seem to blame him endlessly but had I known it was purely down to not being able to have the one woman he really wanted, maybe I wouldn't have been so quick to judge.

Moving a lot clumsier than I intended, I jumped to my feet and placed my hands on my hips like a petulant toddler.

"Dad, I know this might be a shock to you. After all, I've been a hermit in my room for the last fortnight and then when you come home after a weekend away, I seem to have completely changed. Can't you see the reason for that though?"

I look pleadingly into his eyes, trying to help him see reason. I notice my mother in the background but she seems to be saying nothing and staying well out of this one. Why is she smiling though?

"That's exactly my worry Fliss. You were a complete mess when we left and only just started to leave your room. Now your all cuddled up with him? Bloody Marcus Daniels of all people. I knew you were friends but...but nothing else. This shouldn't be happening Felicity." My father looked so confused and angry by the time he finished that I honestly didn't know what to say for the best.

"I don't really think we have a say in the matter do we?" My mothers words took everyone by surprise and we all stared at her in complete disbelief. Her small smile told me she wasn't sharing the same views as my father. What the hell was happening in front of my very own eyes?

Marcus then stood from the sofa and looked straight into my fathers eyes. It was actually quite comical that the person I was dating was probably half a foot taller than my Dad. I knew my father was short for a man but the comparison between the two was actually something to see. In saying this, my father still looked more intimidating than the towering marine in front of him.

"Mr Young, I know this may be a shock to you but I care about Felicity a great deal. I understand you think I seem to have a bad reputation and I'm not disputing that, but she means more to me than some meaningless fling. I want more. I want to see where this can take us. I would like nothing more than to be the person to provide for her and make her feel protected and safe. I would put my life on the line for this woman and wouldn't even think twice. We might have only just stared to date each other but I've known her my whole life and have always had a spot in my heart for this incredible woman. Please let me prove that to her and to you."

His words were my undoing. After such a tough and eventful weekend, I just burst. The tears started to stream down my face but right now I couldn't care less that I'm standing in front of five others and crying at the beautiful words Marcus just said.

"Marcus...I...I..." I can't even seem to get anything out. I need to leave. This is too much.

"Hey, hey...I know. Come on, please don't cry." He pulls me into his arms and wraps them protectively around me.

I can feel my dad staring into the back of my head but I just didn't care at the moment. My whole world was being turned upside down because of this crazy, foolish man hugging me.

"Brilliant! Im glad you too finally realised you liked each other more than friends. Me and your mother have tried for years to get this to happen Marcus!" My mother is in her element now. Smiling wider and wider as she speaks. My father just glares at her.

He'll come around. Hopefully.

"Dad, I know you're not particularly happy at the moment but I want to tell you about something that happened while you were gone to make you very impressed with your little china doll of a daughter." I couldn't resist turning my head in Marcus's chest to face my brother. Where the hell was he going with this. Marcus might be the marine but I still think I could take my brother down.

"And what's that Roman?" My father clearly still hadn't calmed down. What was Roman trying to do?

"Well, our lovely Jackson tried to pay a visit. Alice was here and thankfully held me off him so that nothing could happen. Our little Flissy Floss here had a little chat of her own with him. Let's just say that she put him in his place. Even when he got quite mouthy and I thought Marcus was going to go all SAS on him, Fliss handled him and definitely pulled him down a peg or two. You would've been incredibly proud."

I sigh a breath of relief. Not only was Roman trying to explain that we'd experienced enough for today but he was also showing how impressed he was of me and how Marcus acted as my knight in shining armour.

"What? Did he hurt you Princess? What did the little shit say? I'm glad I wasn't here. I wouldn't have been able to stop myself from giving him a piece of my mind." Brilliant distraction technique Roman.

"Dad honestly I'm fine. He got what he had coming and I don't think we'll see him again for a while, if ever. " I could see him visibly calming and my heart started to slow its pace. I hadn't even realised it was beating so fast.

When my parents and my brother started to get into a full blown conversation, I was grateful that no one was bothering to comment on my love life any further for today. However, I wasn't stupid. I was well aware that as soon as Marcus left I would be bombarded with questions from not only my father being overprotective but my mother acting like my best friend.

Hi everyone,

Sorry for the short update and for taking so long. Got lots of things happening at the moment but wanted to get this one out. I know not much really happens but the next one with be much longer!

Much love xx

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