Game time

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Arriving at the bar, I soon notice that I had left my confidence in the house and was now a bag of nerves. I'd actually never been out without Jackson and didn't know how to react. It's clear that I didn't need to worry about getting too much attention because no one had bothered to so much as look in my direction. I knew Roman was worrying for no reason. However, I will say that my ego was a little bruised.

"Ok ladies, this table in the middle here looks perfect to have a good scope of the place and it's not too far from the bar or the toilets! Perfect!" Alice was always so tentative and was eager to try to make me feel as ease.

We sat on low stools in the middle of the bar with a small round table in the middle of us all. Sitting in a circle, we had a clear view of the whole place and could easily keep track of the other people in here.

"This place is quite nice actually. Must've redone it since last time we were here. It doesn't look like a dive as much anymore" Becca had such a way with words.

I just stared around the room, trying to get an idea of the place and make sure I could see any dodgy characters before any trouble came. It was a good twenty minutes drive here from my parents house and I could see some faces of the people I went to school with as a child. Now they had grown up and were looking like they were ready to celebrate the weekend like the rest of us.

"Shall I get the drinks in? What are we having ladies?" Alice was keen to get the night started but before she could even stand from our table the bar man arrived with a bottle of Prosecco in  an iced bucket.

"Complements of the two men at the bar." He smirked and opened the bottle quickly and then proceeded to give each of us our glasses and filled the glass. We all raised our glasses to the men. They weren't overly attractive, but the gesture was kind of them. I think their attractiveness fell by a thousand degrees when they looked at us with smug faces and a massive ego radiating from them both.

"Might be a cheap night after all" Lauren was far too happy about the attention we were getting. Well, they were getting. I was not one to get attention from men and I was honestly ok with it. It made life easier if anything.

Sipping on the drink, I was far away in my own little bubble to notice they were already trying to decide who would go first in the game of truth or dare.

"Not it!" They all shouted in unison.

"Uh, I guess I'll go first then." I smiled shyly at them, hoping they'd go easy on me.

"Truth or dare?"

"Truth! It's too early and I'm not drunk enough for a dare yet!"

"Fine! Have you ever had sex in public place?" Lauren smiled like the devil and leaned in closer to my face waiting for my answer.

"What? Oh my God. No!" I'm a sitting tomato. Are all of the questions going to be this intimate? They'll learn soon enough that I probably hadn't done half as much as they'd assumed I had. I didn't really talk about my sex life with them. Mostly because Jackson had asked me not to and I respected his wishes until now.

"Well maybe that can change tonight."

I playfully tap Becca on the thigh. I sometimes wished to be as laid back and as bold as she was. She honestly doesn't care. Her long, red hair and deep brown eyes really are a sight for sore eyes and I have no doubt she was more than aware of the affect she had on men and women. Her confidence was not miss placed.

"I'm not here for a quick fuck Becca. Tonight is a girls only night and I intend to stick to it!"

Alice grins. "So if Marcus turned up looking like the hot little sailor that he is, you wouldn't be tempted to strip him bare and.."

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