Timing is Everything

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Felicity's POV:

I stared into the eyes of the monster in front of me as he ran a disgusting finger down my cheek. His attempts at seduction would've played better on a blown up doll.

My mind reeled with information and the more I searched and listened the more I could find. I just wish I'd had a bit more time to think before the video; I could've helped more than I had. It had only been about two hours since they taped me and I have no idea when they actually sent it. I just hoped Marcus had landed from Tanzania and was working on my clues. Not that it gave them much to go on.

"You used to love it when I did this." He whispered close to my cheek. Bile flew to the back of my mouth and I had to force it down. I kept my face as stoic as possible. No reaction was going to be the right one so why bother. If I played along, he'd slap me for pretending it was Marcus, if I pulled away, he'd slap me for not liking his advances. He was a nut case!

"Oh come on Flissy. I know you miss him but you'll get over it eventually. We were together for much longer than you and that overbearing asshole. You know I can give you the world and he just can't!" He was still trying to sweet talk me but let's face it, he has spent the last however many hours torturing me. Jackson was never going to get my love back, ever.

It still frightens me that I ever actually loved this monster in the first place. How was I so blind to what he really was?

"What if I get you some lovely soup. I'll make your favourite and then we can have some time for just us." I stared at him with a confused look and then the penny dropped. He was trying to placate me so that he can do what ever the hell he wants with me. Not even if hell froze over would I let him touch me!

I watched in horror as he and his 'friend' made their way out of the room laughing and joking like they were having the most normal of days. What the hell was about to happen?! I needed to get out or I was going to go insane in this place.

I looked around again but there was nothing I could use to untie my hands. Shuffling the chair closer the wall I thought about throwing myself into it to try and buckle the chair but then I know they'd hear and come running in before I had a chance to get any further. That and every shuffle was like stabbing myself in the ribs. He'd definitely either broken some of them or they were badly bruised.

My mind was racing but the adrenaline in my body was slowly wearing off and I could feel myself getting more and more tired. The pain was starting to take over and I just wanted to close my eyes and rest. How long had I actually been tied here? It felt like days when in reality it was just a few devastating and torturous hours.

I have no idea how long I was asleep but as soon as I heard the door creak open, my eyes flew open to prepare for whatever was to come. There stood a smiling Jackson and it made my stomach turn. He looked like he had something planned but trying to guess his next steps was near to impossible.

"I've made you some of your favourite chicken soup to help heal all these silly marks you caused yourself. We want you looking your beautiful self now don't we so that you're not going to embarrass me." He cooed like he was talking to a child.

Caused my self!!

I was beyond livid!

Was he seriously saying all this was my fault? How naive did he think I was? This bastard was the reason I was so broken on the outside. I could only sit and thank Marcus, my family and my friends for making me strong again on the inside. It's going to take a lot more to break me this time!

"Don't look at me like that!" He snapped and I realised I must've been glaring daggers into his brain.

I stared at the tray and the gleaming metal caught my eye. He'd made some soup and brought a bread roll but the idiot brought the butter in with him. When he finished using the knife to cut the bread and butter the top, he placed it gently back onto the tray.

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