Beautiful genius

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My lip stung as his fist bit into my face once again. Blood leaked freely from my nose and there was nothing I could do about it. I honestly didn't know how much longer I could take this but I refused to cry in front of these barbarians.

"What's wrong baby? Does your actionman treat you a little better? Are you still missing him when you should be begging for me?" The revolting sound of Jackson's voice made me want to scream or just throw up but they still hadn't taken the tape off my mouth.

I felt something hard hit my chest and the wind knocked out of me. I could taste the blood in the back of my throat but with nowhere for it to go, I had to swallow the metallic thick liquid.

"It's time." I heard the man I don't know say. Jackson grunted in response and I heard a rustle from somewhere in front of me. I carried on breathing steadily, ignoring the pain in my body and instead staying as calm and in control as I possibly could. I tried to listen for any clues when I had seconds free from a beating.

There would be a distant sound of cars now and then but nothing that sounded close enough to think I would be able to run into oncoming traffic for help.

Before my mind could focus more on the surrounding noise, the tape was ripped from my mouth and my lips burned as layers of my skin were taken with it. The blood from my split lip and nose ran down my face and onto my neck making my stomach turn.

I tried not to drag too much air into my body and instead took a few steadying breaths. I am strong and I will get through this. My mantra was giving me hope and as pathetic as it was, it was all I had for now. I had no idea what was happening with Marcus or whether he knew anything about where I was. I needed to get to him or find a way of contacting him but they took my phone. I don't know when. I just know I woke up without it in my bra - which made me uneasy in more ways than one.

It was silent for a few seconds and then footsteps walked closer towards me until I could feel a looming presence above me.

"Right then little girl, we're going to send a little video to Marcus to let him know that you've chosen me over him and not to look for you!" Jackson's voice got progressively angrier as he spoke but the whole notion made no sense to me. Surely if he wanted Marcus off his back then why beat me? It would only spur Marcus on to find me.

"He needs to know you are mine! I can do what I want to you and when I fucking want to. You belong to me!" His words were cutting and venomous, like he wished he could spit them at Marcus himself but we all know he doesn't actually have the balls to face him.

The blindfold was quickly taken from my eyes and I instantly force them shut to block out the blinding light over my head. I can hear the dark chuckles of the two men in the room and it takes me longer than it should to calm down.

I have to blink more and more to try and adjust to the light but it still hurts my eyes. I don't have any recollection of time since I've been here and I don't have a clue how long I've actually been wearing the stupid bloody thing.

"Ok, show time! Tell your little friend that you don't want him anymore and that you're happy with me. If you fuck it up, you get a new bruise. How does that sound?"

Marcus's POV:

It's been just over two hours since I spoke with my boss but time feels like it's moving in slow motion. Tom and Lloyd have been working on their laptops going through the CCTV footage of the outside of my house since I've been gone. You can see that fucker has been watching her since the day I left!

You can even see him sitting in a run down car watching us kiss before I drove away. Why can't he just accept she's moved on? Why leave her in the first fucking place? Not that I'm not glad he did, but what he's putting her through is beyond confusing.

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