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Felicity's POV:

I've been training for three days straight and to say my body is starting to ache would be a huge understatement. The rest of Marcus's friends have gone and it's just me and him now. I don't blame them. They only have a little while left with their loved ones.

I thought we'd have longer but when Marcus received a call from his boss yesterday to say their 'holiday' has been brought forward to two days from now, my heart broke a little. I always knew it would be hard to watch him go but now that he's actually about to leave, I just want to cling to him. Which really isn't healthy!

I stir a little and then decide I might as well get up. Marcus isn't in bed so I'm guessing he's already up. When I finally lift my upper body to pull and push my muscles to stretch, the sheet falls from me and the cool air in the room brushes over me. I could wake up in this bed everyday.

"Now that's a sight I'm going to miss!" I turn quickly to the door and see him leaning against the frame. Wearing a tight T-shirt and a pair of loose joggers. He really could be a model.

My eyes continue to scan his body, I'm slightly aware of the tick in his jaw as I lift the sheet to cover my bare chest and he smirks that devilish smirk of his.

"I don't think you need to cover yourself, love." He starts to stalk closer to me and I can feel the blush taking over my face. No matter how much time I spend with him he still makes me feel like he did the first time.

"Oh? And why is that?" I keep my head down but look up at him through my lashes. An action I know pushes all his buttons in just the right places.

He shrugs his shoulder and then pushes me slowly back down onto the bed, placing himself in between my legs. I bring my bottom lip in between my teeth and he reaches with his thumb to release it.

"I'll show you mine if you show me yours." He winks and I burst out laughing at the cheesiest comment I've ever heard him say. Only, when I laugh I left go of the sheet and my chest is suddenly naked once again. His eyes instantly darken and then he rips his T-shirt over his head. My insecurities are forgotten as soon as I see the well defined chest of my boyfriend.

"Mhmm..." I moan and he chuckles.

"I didn't ask you anything." He smirks and all I can do is repeat my previous moan. I could stare at him all day. He's like a god. A very sexy, very seductive god.

My hands reach out and run over his body to feel his muscles twitch and jump at my every touch. I love the affect I have on this man.

"You drive me crazy when you look at me like that." His eyes are black when I look back at his face and I barely have time to register his growl before his lips smash to mine and I'm pulled from the bed to be straddling him. His hands run down my back and when they land on my bare backside, he groans even louder.

The only thing separating us are his jogging bottoms but I can feel his bulge easily through the fabric. I grind harder on him while he grips my ass. Our kiss becomes less controlled and as I open my mouth he wastes no time in deepening it. One of his hands comes up to my face to push my hair behind my ear. He starts to lower his hand but he stops on my nipple and teases me, bringing a loud moan from deep inside of me.

"Trousers off, now!" It's all I can get out as I lift my leg and kneel beside him instead. He throws his trousers down and then grips my thigh hard, pulling me back on top of him.

There are times when we have the sweetest and most sensual love making and then there are times when we have wild sex that is quick and hard. This is definitely not going to be our most tender of moments.

I lower myself onto him and he slaps my behind hard earning a squeal from my mouth. I'd never admit to him that I liked it but I know he knew. The feeling of skin on skin makes me throw my head back in pure ecstasy. His hands hold my both of my cheeks pushing me harder and harder while his lips make their way from my neck, across my collarbone and quickly down to my nipple.

"Oh god...yes!" I can't help it. He's too good with his mouth. "I'm going to..." before I can finish my sentence, my mind goes blank as pure bliss takes over my body. I moan his name far too loud and feel him move my hips a few more times before he stills inside me moaning my name.

We just stay there for a couple of minutes just holding each other. His head still rests in my boobs and I run my fingers up and down his back.

"Shower?" I ask and he nods against me. Before I can move, he grips the backs of my thighs and I'm being carried into the bathroom. When he sets me down onto my feet to turn the shower on, I instantly feel cold. How am I meant to go weeks without this man?

When he turns around to face me again I throw my arms around his waist and hug him right to my chest.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I just shake my head and he holds onto me just as tight as I hold him. He runs his hand down my back and laughs at the goosebumps that he leaves behind.

"I'm sorry. I just don't know if I can let you go! Why can't you have a job where you're not in danger every second you're in work?" I laugh but it's forced and he knows it.

Marcus pulls back slightly and lifts my chin to look in my eyes. I can see everything in his. Our future, how much love he has in them. I need to tell him how I feel before he leaves. He needs to know that I love him.

"Marcus, I need to tell you something." I bite my lip and move my hand to his cheek. I can feel tears threaten my eyes but I push myself to try and say the words. What if he doesn't feel the same? What if it's too soon?

Before my mind can torture itself any further I hear a soft chuckle leave his lips. "What's so funny?"

"I've just never seen you look so happy and scared at the same time. What's wrong sweetheart? You know you can tell me anything and I'll listen." My heart beat increases and I feel like I'm about to faint. "Breathe Fliss, breathe." He whispers.

I take some calming breaths and then look around the now steam filled room. Come on! Stop being such a baby!!

Clearly I'm not one for a pep talk. At least not to myself.

"Marcus I.." I close my eyes and just keep repeating the three words in my head hoping that it'll just come out of my mouth.

I feel both of his hands on my face and his forehead lean on mine.

"Let me make this easier for you. Felicity Young, I am absolutely and uncontrollably in love with you." My eyes fly open and I stare into the dark eyes of the most beautiful creature ever to walk the earth.

"What?" It comes out as a whisper and a tear escapes my eyes. Marcus kisses my lips softly and wipes the tear with the pad of his thumb.

"I love you Fliss. So much that I can't bear the thought of leaving you even though I have to. I want you to know that I had a much more romantic idea in my mind about saying this to you than both of us standing naked in a steamy bathroom but—"

My lips find his and my hands make their way to his hair. A small moan leaves his mouth and one of his hands goes to the small of my back, pushing me into him while the other strokes the side of my face.

I pull back slightly and lean my head on his keeping my eyes closed and finally say the words I know I need to say.

"Marcus Daniels, I love you. I've always had a special place in my heart for you. The only difference now is that you own it. I am yours Marcus, every part of me belongs solely to you."

When I open my eyes to look into his I swear I see tears there before he kisses me softly and closes his eyes. I can feel myself being pulled into the shower and the kiss deepens and I can feel his hard erection press into the bottom of my stomach.

"I need you." He says between kisses and I moan at the desperation in his voice.

"I'm yours." It's all he needs to hear before I'm lifted off the ground and my legs wrap around his hips. We take our time and feel every movement against each other. This wasn't like our wild sex only moments ago. It had a softness there. We were putting our love into every movement, every moan an echo of how much I loved him.

How can I ever let him leave?

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