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Still smiling to myself, I can't help but think back to the many dreams and thoughts I used to have of Marcus Daniels. I had always liked him but I was never more than a sister figure to him I suppose.

I tried to busy myself with getting ready purely to try and take my mind off the body of a Greek God that I'd just pressed myself up against. Naked.

What if instead of getting all shy and embarrassed like a teenager, I had continued to press myself into him and pull his soft lips to mine...right! This is exactly why I need the distraction.

I quickly put on my white fluffy robe and pink furry slippers and walk to the kitchen down stairs to get myself a sandwich. If I'm drinking tonight, I'm making sure I line my stomach. Too many times have I forgotten this rule and it has always ended badly.

As soon as I close the cupboard I hear foot steps and loud chatter coming my way from the stairs. My brothers room was in the attic and I was hoping he wouldn't have heard me creeping out of my room on the floor below.

Thinking it would be pathetic to run and hide and I did tell Marcus to forget it happened so that's exactly what I was going to do.

"Hey Fliss! Guess who's back in town for the next four weeks?" My brother was clearly very happy to have his old buddy back from wherever he's been this time. I know he's not allowed to say but that makes the man so much more god damn mysterious.

"Oh hey! Yeah great." Is all I can say. I just don't know how to react.

"Really that's all you've got for your favourite Marcus?" My brother looks confused and before he can question me further or start to make connections I put on my best surprised face and run to hug Marcus like I would've before.

"Oh so now you're happy to see me?" Marcus whispers in my ear causing me to blush hard. He snakes his hand around my back and I can't help but notice the amount of tattoos he has on his one arm. These were definitely new. From his wrist to the top of his shoulder, black ink encompasses his skin in a myriad of patterns and designs. It's stunning the detail and time clearly spent on the art staining his body.

Noticing where my mind goes he looks to his arm to see what's caught my attention. "Ah, so you like a man with ink huh?"

Oh my God. Why is he doing this to me. It's either that he now finds me attractive or he's trying to wind me up and embarrass his best friends little sister. Deciding on the latter, I playfully slap his arm and scoff.

"You wish a man like you could handle a woman like me." There take that Marcus!

My brother gawks at me and can't believe what I just said. To be honest, I think I stunned everyone here, including myself.

It's a little awkward at first when I continue to make my sandwich and a part of me wished that I just abandoned the idea and just went straight to my room and got ready. However, I was not going to be sick tonight because I hadn't eaten properly all day.

With a ham and cheese sandwich in hand, I make my way over to the breakfast bar and hitch myself onto the stool. I instantly notice Marcus's eyes on my thighs and I rush to readjust my robe, remembering there was nothing underneath.

I ate my sandwich in silence and just listened to Roman and Marcus make plans for their big night in tonight. My brother looked so happy to have his friend back that I couldn't help but smile at him and hope I get to see him like this more often.

"You still off out tonight with your friends Fliss?" My brother calls, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yep. Going to be a late one for me I think. Lauren has many ideas!" I try to hide the worry on my face and replace it with a wicked smile which instantly pisses my brother off.

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