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When I entered the kitchen the silence was painful. I pretended not to notice as I grabbed a slice of toast out of my brothers hand and sat next to him on the breakfast bar. Nonchalance was not really something I was good at but I think I played it off well. He said nothing but his smile said it all.

My brother was a well built guy who hung out with other well built men. Roman was four years older than me but he acted like the age gap wasn't there at times. He could be my cuddly bear when I needed him but that was very rare. When I first came home he acted like my pillow and just let me cry on him for days before telling me to start moving on. Typical Roman. Soft to start but has to show that hard side of him eventually. Either way, I know he's just looking out for me.

I continued to eat my toast and thankfully, everyone kept up their daily routine as though I hadn't just come out of my cave and started socialising again. My dad was the first to lift his head and attempt to show support.

"Decided he's not worth it anymore then?" The glare my mother gave him was hysterical. I could feel rather than hear my brothers laughter. The whole counter started shaking before he threw his head back and laughed like a fool.

"I have, although I'd rather not be the running joke in this family!"

"Oh you know what he's like honey. Just ignore him and your brother. Your brothers' just jealous because he's never found love to know the pain of losing it." My mother whispered in my ear. Although I had the feeling my brother heard because of the look he gave my mother.

"What are your plans for today then Beefcake?" My dad had such a way with words and a new nickname for me nearly every time he spoke.

"I was going to start the day with a run in the park. It feels like years since I stretched my limbs and felt my pulse race through my system. Plus I guess I should get some fresh air." I laughed awkwardly at the end. I really haven't left the house for two weeks and I was starting to feel nauseous from the lack of fresh air.

My parents glanced at each other for the shortest of seconds that I was starting to think it didn't even happen. Ok, so I haven't kept up my usual run since I've been home but that doesn't mean I want to stop it all together.

"Oh and I'm off out with my girlfriends tonight dad. A lift home for your Beefcake would be much appreciated when I call you?" I flutter my eyelashes and hug him as hard as I can.

"No can do Squishy. I'm taking your mother away for the weekend tonight. It's finally Friday the 13th and you know we always go away on the weekend it falls on. We've had this booked for months. It's even on the family calendar on your phone." He throws his hands in the air like it was obvious. I'm sorry but since when were we putting things on our family calendar? Who's idea was that anyway?

I check my phone and find there is infact an event in the diary for today until Monday. Looks like he's planned a long weekend for them both. Good. It's nice to see they still make time for themselves even after thirty years of marriage. Mum and dad have been a massive inspiration to me when it comes to love. They are standing proof that it exists and that people can find it.

I turn quickly to my brother who shakes his head laughing, already aware that he was my next point of call. What can I offer him to get a lift?

"I'll clean your room for a week?" He continues to laugh at me.

"No need. I like my privacy and don't want you going through my stuff!" I sit thinking for a while and come up with the perfect solution.

"I'll make your favourite dessert for the next three Fridays?" He smirks knowing I'm the best baker in the family and he's never been able to turn down a free cake from me. To my surprise his shoulders slump and he looks annoyed.

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