There's a tiger.  Okay, tiger be cool, and I am extremely intrigued given later information that makes me have no idea where the tiger puzzle piece fits in.  But there is like 0 reaction from anyone?  Even Rose?  Say nobody else sees it, you mention later that Rose dismissed it as a dream, but here at the moment, she just sees a tiger... and then nada in terms of reaction.

These guys in the elevator make no sense to me.  They are just a couple floors from the bottom.  They have no reason to be murmuring to each other within ear shot of anyone else.  The logical thing to do when they see someone enter the elevator would be to shut up and wait until they get to the car.  I also cannot understand for the life of me why they want to kidnap her for seeing the tiger.  I'm just... Honestly so confused by everything happening in this scene.  Final remark on this scene, I'm really not sure how Rose could tell exactly where the man was looking.  It's hard to pinpoint the precise spot a person's eyes are on, especially at a distance.

I like the return mention of the markings because it makes one wonder just what they mean.  Granted, I was more intrigued by it prior to the prologue being added back 😅 

The plot seems to start moving as we move on from that.  I do still have a few issues, like how it seems like the chaos starts out of nowhere, but that's more a writing thing.  I also notice she's just... picking up on things most wouldn't think to notice.  Most just go "swarming people!" and wouldn't really realize that quickly that there are no kids.  Also, her dropping her satchel just seems... Very convenience based for the plot. Sure, shock, but also, years of training herself to treasure the object. You'd think that would override and make her keep hold of it instinctively.  But either way, now she's in the building.

Which if all the exists are blocked by fire... how did she not burn away when she stepped out?  And how is there any door to escape through to lead to another room?  The fire seems to act very conveniently for Rose 😅

But the actual happenings are interesting.  We are introduced to these shifters, which instantly also raises questions about the random tiger.  And there seems to be a real focus on marks or hands or something, but I'm unsure why these guys have to look at the children's hands.  It's all really interesting and has me intrigued.  The ending also throws us right into a tense scene, which yay!  Much more gripping than the start was, though I wonder if it would work better if you stopped right where they come face to face and have the question shouted up in the next chapter or something like that.


Definitely some instant curiosity when it comes to Tom!  It's obvious he is working with some questionable people, but he's not turning her in and he seems conflicted about his own actions.  Perhaps we was forced into all of this?

And the mystery continues with the men.  So the child they want must be important, but if the big boss man is more worried about their briefcase... So perhaps they are connected to whatever got her parents killed?  Either way, this boss man seems really ready to murder, meaning Tom is playing a crazy dangerous game.

Gotta say, her wanting to make a staircase out of books is a bit... out there xD I get she's desperate, but I'm not entirely sure how well she thinks duct tape is gonna work to hold it all together.  I'm also not sure why she thinks that Tom would take the satchel from her.  I mean, he obviously is not tattling on her, why would he want to take her bag?  

Okay, so, uh.  Fun fact.  This is word for word what I have in my notes: "Glad the prologue was taken out, and lots of interesting aspects with the left behind things." So yeah... XD

Nope.  Nuh-uh.  Rose has lost all of my love now.  First wanting to use books as steps, and now throwing them as weapons??? I'mma go tell boss man she's there for Tom >.> xD  Speaking of, I'm sure whatever business the leader has, it isn't good business.  Much sus.

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