Redemption (CW)

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Book: Redemption  Author: Rosephilips  Chapters Read: Prologue - Ch 2Genre: DystopianBlurb:

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Book: Redemption 
Author: Rosephilips 
Chapters Read: Prologue - Ch 2
Genre: Dystopian

In a world where the Sun is a thing of legends, nothing is as it seems.


For most of her life, Rose has been trying to unravel the mystery of her past. However, she didn't realize just how unprepared she was to face the reality of her fate.

Finding herself crucial to the success of the Scientific Restoration of the World, she struggles to come to terms with the life thrust upon her, in order to save The Haven and prevent the extinction of humanity.


I'm not the biggest fan of your cover.  I do really like the symbol.  I'm hoping it'll be a symbol actually in the story, and the way it plays into the plot suggested in the blurb and the fiery color contrast makes it stand out in a good way.

Aside from that, though... Not much of the cover pulls me in.

For one, as much as I love the symbol, seeing it obviously thrown over an image someone found on google images doesn't really do anything for me.  Sure, there could be an argument that a lot of images are slapped on how they were found.  It only works, though, if it doesn't feel that way.  It majorly feels that way with this cover.

Another thing is the shadowing of the image and the text just stands out in a really bad way.  There was no real reason for them to have that shadow.  More like someone thought the shadow effect was cool and just threw it on for the fun of it.

Lastly, the text... It's just really not pleasant to look at.  I'm not sure how much of it has to do with the shadow, but it's also just so squished together.  It's also a meh text and meh color.  It doesn't stand out at all and is just very blocky.

It is very far from the worst cover I have seen.  It definitely fits the story in what it's trying to do, but I do not personally feel like it's reaching that place it's wanting to reach.


The title is very... Bland. I mean, I have used Midnight as a title so I can't really say too much of one word, unoriginal titles. But I also changed it because it was a horrible title no matter how much I defended it so... 

Another issue with your title is it uses a word that is a basic trope/arc that happens in a story.  It doesn't really make it interesting because it's a word that we are just kind of desensitized to seeing in reference to a story.  Is it a cool word?  Sure.  I actually really like the word.  I like redemption tales.

But as a title? One of the first things I know about the story?  Not really convinced.  

I suggest trying to go for a title more tailored toward your story.  Maybe something to do with the sun?  The sun seems to play a large role in the story, so that seems like a possible point to focus on.

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