The Time Trilogy (T)

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The Time Trilogy written by CptTbone13

The Time Trilogy written by CptTbone13

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Your cover needs a lot of work in my opinion. For one, it has a confusing style to it and doesn't look very professional. I would highly recommend applying for a graphic designer to make your cover for you, or at least try cleaning it up yourself. The title of the book is smaller than the author's name, which isn't always a good idea. The title should be big and eye-catching. Your title is fine, it makes sense. I understand there are three books in the one, but I'm thinking there may be a better title than just calling it a trilogy. For example, even calling it a series would make the name more unique. For example, some trilogies have cool, unique names for their trilogies. For example, the Scythe trilogy is called 'Arc of a Scythe' and the Cruel Prince trilogy is called 'The Folk of Air Series.' That just showcases that there are ways to make a trilogy title original but also all-encompassing.


I appreciate how short your blurb is, but there are a few things we can change to make it more effective. First off, I never recommend starting with the name and age of the main character. It's generic and everyone does it. In addition, names don't mean anything to the reader yet--not like they do to you. Your blurb is also extremely straightforward and doesn't use a lot of drama. Here's a suggestion to increase the style of the blurb:

His mother unveiled to the world that time travel was possible. And then she died.

Genius Robert James finds himself living in a convoluted world after the death of his mother. With robots already living among humans, it makes society more advanced--and also more dangerous. After Bob investigates his mother's death and discovers the person responsible, he is put through an experience unlike anything else: fighting robots, time travelling and saving the world from a genocidal plot.

This blurb is a little more effective in the drama department and in organization and structure. I'd recommend doing something like this for your edited blurb.

0 7 / 1 5

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