3:30pm (CLO)

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Title: 3:30pm

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Title: 3:30pm

Author: Theathewriter / Cynthia Haddix ( Theandwriting )

Genre: Young Adult, Teen Fiction (MATURE WARNING)

Chapters Reviewed: Chapter 1-2

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I. Title: 3:30pm

Love this! What makes it so special is the fact that it is unique, probably a key point in the story that is like a symbol or has repetition and is also one that people can remember. It doesn't have any that is quite common, so the title will stick out a lot more to readers and especially to me.

II. Cover

So clear, LOVE IT! Whoever made the cover (whether it was you or someone else), the cover is clear to see and the colors of the text contrast with its background color which is perfect. Only thing I would say is that there seems to be a bit of a haziness or very slight blurriness around the "A Novel Cynthia Haddix" but it is minimal. The woman looks very clear with its strokes and color choice. The photo of the guy threw me off, perhaps it could be put in like a polaroid type of format since it being that transparent and not really next to much is a bit off-putting. Just my opinion, so remember, do as you want to do.

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