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"Hey whatchu listening to?" I walked into me and the girls room. Star wasn't here. She was probably getting ready for her tour that was meant for all three of us but now it's just for her.

Alex pauses the song and looked up to me.

"It's Sheas new song", she said with a with a worried look. I got excited cause I loved cubes new album 'Amerikkkas Most Wanted' it was so dope.

"Really? Let me listen", I sat down on the bed next to her.

"Uhmm ok", she said.

I ignored her as she played the song.

"I never have dinner with the President
I never have dinner with the President
I never have dinner with the President
And when I see your ass again, I'll be hesitant
Now I think you a snitch
Throw a house nigga in a ditch
Half-pint bitch, fuckin' your homeboys
You little maggot, Eazy-E turned faggot
With your manager, fella
Fuckin' MC Ren, Dr. Dre, and Yella
But if they were smart as me
Eazy-E would be hangin' from a tree"

I stopped the track.

"Why is he dissing them? They never did anything to him"

Alex sighed and got up to get another record from her drawer.

"I guess you haven't listened to NWA song that they released before this..."

She played the record and dres voice was heard.

"Dre is just a nigga wit hard, a nigga that's smart
A nigga that's paid to say what others are scared to play
We started out wit too much cargo
So I'm glad we got rid of Benedict Arnold"

She stopped the music.

"Benedict Arnold? What, there tryna say he's like a traitor?" I said to her.

She nodded and muttered under her breath "if anything, Star is the traitor"

I looked at her with a blank look. I mean it is true since she decided to go on the tour knowing very well it was meant for us three. But who cares?

Back to cube and the guys, it's weird seeing them diss each other like this. I remember meeting them for the first time and they would always muck around each other and make jokes to each other. And now, cube just destroyed them with a song.

I wonder if they heard it yet.

"Ima call ren", I got up to get my pager.

I called ren and he picked up on the third ring.

"Wassup baby?"

"Hey uh- where are you? Are you with the guys?"

"Yea were at Es crib with Jerry why? Are you okay?

I rolled my eyes when he said Jerry's name.

"So you haven't heard it yet?"

"Heard what baby"

"Uh me and Alex will be there in a bit"

"Ok but you better tell me what's happening"

"I will. I love you"

"I love you too baby"

Man I will never get used to him saying that to me.

We both said bye and hung up.
Me and Alex arrived at erics house. I told Alex to bring the 'No Vaseline' record so that they can listen to it. Man there gonna be pissed when they hear this.

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