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"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN YALL GOT ARRESTED? WHERE ARE THE GIRLS? WHERE IS THAT DAMN ERIC AT IMA NEED A WORD WIT HIM", I rolled my eyes and held the phone away from my ear as Miss C screams through the phone.

"Miss C, calm down, Jerry got us out yesterday and I only received service now so I decided to call you. Plus I miss you. So many things have been happening ever since I came, sometimes I wished I never even came", I explained to her sadly.

"Honey where's Ren are you guys still doing alright?", she asks. I sighed and told her what happened about the incident that happened few weeks ago.

"Baby you're gonna have to tell Ren either way"

"I know but I'm scared that if I tell him everything then he's gonna look at me differently an-", I start to tear up.

"Simone you still there?", I hear miss c say.

"Yeah I'm here. I'm just scared miss c." Times like this makes me wish my mum was here so she can just sing to me whenever I was feeling down and I would instantly feel better at the sound of her voice.

"Honey, that boys cares deeply about you. I've seen the way he looks at you. I can tell that he loves you."

I paused at the word 'love'.

"I don't know about love miss c"

"Girl trust me he does. He was with you at your lowest point, was always at the hospital with you and he always called to ask if you were alright whenever you were asleep at the hospital and he was at the studio. If that isn't love then I don't know anymore but lemme tell you something baby, talk to him. Remember you don't have to tell him everything. Ok ?"

I sighed and then nodded as if she can see me and then I told her ok. After that she asked how were the girls and I told them they were still the same. Always fighting over something but then make up the next minute.

After a while we decided to say goodbye.

Man I can't wait to go back home and tell her about everything. We still have three more shows and I'm kinda excited for it to end and go back home but at the same time I actually enjoyed the tour with the guys and the girls.

I thought about what miss C said about just talking to ren. I guess I'll tell him but just not now...
"Where is Alex, she was supposed to be here ages ago", Star asks Jerry.

I sighed.

Alex was supposed to be here to sing her part on NWA's new song that has her featured. But the thing is, is that it only has cube and Alex. I was real happy they chose her but she ain't even here yet and we're freaking out cause her part is next.

"Look she'll be here and we'll perform in the next show", I told star as we looked out to the guys performing. Alex's part was getting closer and closer and she still wasn't here. Ren, E and Yella were standing with us.

Next thing you Alex comes running in "I'm here I'm here"

I gave Alex her outfit and told her to hurry up.

I was tryna look for Star but she was no where to be found. She better not be doing something stupid.

"Come on Alex your nearly up", she gets out and the as soon as she comes out all we hear is her part but someone else was singing it.

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