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"I saw mama Star... she was telling me to come home with her".

Star was sitting next to me as I told her what I saw when I was unconscious. She looked sad but relieved that I was alive. "Well why didn't you go then?", she asked me.

"I didn't want to leave you." I told her honestly. Star and I have been so much together and if I just left her like that, then I don't think I would ever forgive my self for leaving her alone. Even though I would love to go to my mum, but my sister needs me and I need her. I told her about how miss Carlotta knows about Otis now. She got angry at first but got over it cause she was gonna find out either way.

She hugged me right after.

"I wanna work on a new song now", I said to Star. She looked at me like I was crazy. I really hated being in here, I just wanted to go home and work on new songs with Star and Alex at the studio.

"Simone you cant go home now, you're still not well you have to be in bed rest", I kept telling her no and that I wanted to go home. I started to take off the tubes that were connected on me.

"SIMONE, don't you get it? You just OD'ed. Don't you know that I could've lost you? I don't want what happened to mama happen to you as well, cause if I lost you, I-I don't know what I will do", she yelled at me with tears running down her face.

"IM FINE STAR, just please get me out of here", I begged her. She looked at me like she's contemplating on what to do.
"Simone, what are you doing here you're supposed to be at the hospital. Does miss Carlotta know about this?!".

So Star and Alex managed to escape me out of the hospital and now we're at the studio with all the boys there. They all started questioning why I'm here and not at the hospital. I get that there worried about me but I'm fine. Ren then walked up to me with a angry look on his face. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the corner, but not in a way where he's hurting me.

"Si-Si why are you here? You're supposed to be at the hospital", he cups my cheeks and looks to see if I was alright. "Ren I'm okay, I really am please I just wanted to get out of there", I looked into those brown eyes of his.

"You have to go Simone, what if the police comes and what will miss Carlotta say?". I reassured him that it will be fine and he still kept having that worried look on his face. I smiled at him and then kissed his cheek then wasn't back to where Star and Alex was.

"Hey Simone", I heard E called out to me. I turned towards him. "Are you sure you're ok to do this?", I nodded at him and then walked into the booth along with Star and Alex.
The song was going great. The boys were feeling it too by the looks of it. We were all singing our heart out until the music just stopped. We all looked at dre confused and then we see miss Carlotta standing right behind him.

"Wait aren't you from mixed harmony", I hear yella ask miss Carlotta. Hm they know mixed harmony.
"That is none of your business", then all the boys starting laughing at yella.

"Why do you always have to ruin everything-", Star tells miss Carlotta but then she was interrupted.

"Girl your sister almost died and you're over here worried about your music", she tells star angrily.

"She's fine, Simone come out and tell her you're fine", I walk out of the booth and look at the both of them going back and fourth. They then start fighting about me and what I shouldn't do.

Miss Carlotta turns towards the boys "don't you know that this girl is 16 years old and if she doesn't return to the hospital right now, the police will be involved", she tells them.

Star continues to argue with miss Carlotta about me and that's when I had enough. "STOP", I yelled as I walked towards them.

"Stop talking about me as if I'm not here. If I want to smoke week, I'll smoke weed. If I want to take those pills, I'll take those pills. And if I want to kill myself, I'll kill myself", I said with anger clearly in my voice.

After I said that, everyone looked at me with a shocked look on their faces. Ren came over to me and grabbed my shoulders "ok I think that you should go back to the hospital now Si-Si", Ren whispered in my ear. I looked up to him trying to say that I don't want to go back but he gave me a stern look on his face that tells me that he's serious. I sighed then nodded and he offered to take me back to the hospital along with miss Carlotta.

I hugged everyone goodbye while they told me to get better. Ren grabbed my hand and took me outside to get in his car. Miss Carlotta was right behind us with Star with her. Must be a awkward car ride.

Ren came and opened the passenger seat of his car so I can get in, and he got into the driver seat right after.
I really didn't want to go back to the hospital. The whole ride I didn't say anything. I just kept looking out the window while one of Rens hand is holding mine and the other is holding the steering wheel.

Little things like that just makes me like ren even more. The way he looks at me with adoration in his eyes, the way his eyes look into mine like he's trying to figure me out and the way he listens to me whenever I'm talking to him.

After a few minutes of him driving us back to the hospital, we finally arrive and let's just say that the workers were not happy at all.

I'm glad Ren was here with me tho. The whole time he was helping me get into bed and he would hold my hand while we're talking. He keeps making me laugh which is what I really need especially with what just happened a couple of hours ago. I can definitely say that slowly falling for Ren, which is what I'm scared of. If he and I fall for each other that means I have to tell him everything about my past. But what if he looks at me different after that?

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