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I was busy working on some new shit in the studio until I heard someone say something to me. I looked up and saw that it was Jerry.

I rolled my eyes and asked what he wanted.

"I mean, you do know that she's an addict, right"
He did not just fuckin say that in my face right now.

I look at him pissed "are you really calling someone an addict right now?"

He just stared at me "come on man how come you didn't come talk to me about this", I looked at him like he's being serious.

"Talk to you about what? You ain't my father, you jus our manager so stay outta my business jerry and worry about those damn contracts", I tried to continue back to what I was doing until he said something.

"I mean... do you even like her?"

"Yo are you really fucken asking me that", I looked at him in disbelief.

"So you do like her?", he smirked at me.

Man he needs to get the fuck up outta my face right now.

"Like I said Jerry, worry about the group and stay up outta me and simones business".

"Look Ren I'm just tryna tell you that if you got feelings for this girl, and you take this out on the road, on this tour, things will get complicate-"

"And I'm just tryna tell you that you ain't my daddy so just let me do me like how I've been doing my whole life", I got up and left his white ass sitting there.
Ever since I told parents that  I was married they flipped and almost beat my ass until I told them why. After that they has been wanting to meet Simone.

I told Simone that my parents wanted to meet her and she was nervous as hell. But I just told her that it's okay and they will like her.

"Are you sure it's gonna be fine Ren", Simone asked gripping into my arm as we walked up to my door stop. I stopped and turned to her.

"Baby, you will be fine ok. They will love you, so would my little sister", I cupped her cheeks and then gave her a light kiss on the lips. Man I will never get use to the feeling.

She nodded head and we continued to walk up to my door. I used my key to open the door and we walked in. "MOMMA, POPS WE HERE" , I yelled out to let them know.

"BOY WHO DO YOU THINK YOURE YELLING AT", I heard my momma yell from her room. Simone was tryna not to laugh as I stood there waiting for my parents to come out.

They finally came out of there room and they saw me and Simone standing in the living room. Simone didn't even notice that they were there cause she was too busy looking at the baby photos of me that was hung up.

"OH MY GOSH REN LOOK AT CHU", she stared at the photo in awe. As soon as she turned around to look at me, that's when she realised my parents were standing there.

"Oh hey", she said to them.

"Mom, Dad I want you to meet Simone", I went to grab her hands "she's my wife".

"Awee would you look at that honey, there so cute together", my momma looked at us with adoration in her eyes. Simone and I then look at each other.

"Yes honey but aren't they abit to young"

That's when Simone stepped in.
"Hi, um I'm sorry but yes. The reason for all of this is because I've been through so much in my past life and the only way out of it was to either run away or get married and well... Ren was there to help me by getting married. But I promise you it's only until I turn 18 and then we'll get a divorce and I'll be outta your way", Simone explains to them.

Both my parents look at each other with a unread expression on their faces. Until they started smiling outta nowhere.

"Honey you don't have to explain yourself to us, we're happy that our son is helping you out. Just know that we're always gonna be here for you as well" Simone nodded and then out of nowhere she ran up to hug them.

My parents started laughing and returned the hug. They all started a convo with Simone and I just love how comfortable Simone is already around my family.

I was still thinking about what Jerry said tho. What if something does happen to us during the tour?
I went outside and sat down on the steps to cool down and continue to think about me and Simone.

I was so deep in thought until I heard her voice.

"Whatever it is, I bet I got a story that can beat it", I smiled up at her as she sat down next to me.

This girl man.

"You make me happy, Simone"
And it's true. She really does make me happy.

She turned to look at me in shock. "Wow, no ones ever said that to me before. Thanks", she then kissed my cheek and grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers together.

I smiled at her softly then continued to think about things.

"Ren what's going on in here? I can tell your thinking real hard about something", I looked at her and just decided to tell her.

"Jerry said something to me"
"About the tour?"

"No about us"
She looked confused but then asked what did he say.

"He said that because we're together, it might get complicated..."

"What do you mean complicated?"

"Like your gonna come in between the group"

"Wha- no I would- I would never do that to y'all"

"Hey I know, that's why I told him to mind his business and worry about the damn group then my personal life and to keep your name out his mouth", I told her.

She smiled at me with appreciation on her face.

"Simone, I don't want to hurt you", I told her honestly looking into her eyes.

"Hey Ren...", she cupped my cheek in the hand "you won't hurt me."

"I married an amazing lady", I said to her.

She looks at me in awe "Simone you're amazing"

"Thank you Ren. You're amazing too"

"You know, we can stay married as long as you want", I said to her.

She looked at me and then stared into a far "it doesn't work like that. No one can save me"

I squeezed her hand "well we're family now"

I kissed her lips softly. This then turned into a intense make out session. I decided to put my hand on her thigh and slide it up slowly.

I felt her go tense and she pulled away.

"I'm sorry Simone", I apologised

"No it's ok Ren, we should go back inside before your parents wonder where we are"

Before she got up, I tapped my lips for one more kiss and she giggles and pecks my lips before heading back inside.

Man she really does make me happy.

Hellur people:)

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