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Everything was going alright at the moment. I got discharged from the hospital and now I'm back at home with miss Carlotta and of course my sister and Alex.

Oh yeah, Alex and Cube are together now. Don't know how that happened but it's cute. And also Star has been seeing this guy as well. His name is Hunter and yes he's white. I don't know why but there's just something I find wrong with him. But speaking of relationships...

Ren and I are going great. He doesn't know that I have feelings for him and I kinda want to keep it that way in case he doesn't feel the way and I'll just end up getting embarrassed. But other then that, he would always page me every now and then only cause he's busy with NWA.

Ever since the outburst I had back at the studio, everyone has been trying to make sure I'm ok, which I'm very grateful for but at the same time it's annoying as hell.

"Simone honey can you go get the conditioner back in the garage", miss Carlotta asks me as I was sweeping the floor clean in her salon. I nodded then went to go get what she wanted.

I found the conditioner but the box next to it was what caught my eyes.

'Mixed Harmonies', was labelled on it. I opened the box and there was pictures of my mama and miss Carlotta when they were young. I know I wasn't supposed to go through miss Carlotta stuff but if it had something to do with my mother than I have to.

I then picked up a tape that read 'Unlove You'. I was curious so I went to take the conditioner back to miss Carlotta and then went back to my room to play the tape.

As it started rolling, a familiar voice started playing and then realised it was my mama.

"Mama". Tears were in my eyes already as she was singing. She had such a beautiful voice. Now that I think about it, Star kinda sings like her. Man I wish she was with us right now.

I was so into the tape until I hear miss Carlotta yelling at me from downstairs to come down so she can take me to school. I put away the tape and told her that I'm coming down now.

Oh yea I forgot to tell y'all, now that I'm staying under miss carlottas roof, she told me that I have to go to school now due to the fact that I'm still underage. I really didn't but if I'm living with her then I have to.


Man I already don't even like school.

I'm at the studio with Star, Alex, Ren, Cube, Yella, Dre and E. I was sitting with Ren busy completing my school stuff while them two were fighting because they don't have a song to perform for this contest thing that Jerry and Eazy signed us up for. By the way, they both were doing great managing our group along with NWA supporting us and us doing the same for them.

"I got a song", I said softly, but I guess they didn't hear me cause they didn't even look my way.

I stood up "I got a song", I said abit louder but they still didn't even look my way. They just kept bickering back and fourth about not having a song to do. Meanwhile the boys were all goofing around.

"Ok maybe if yall shut up for a little bit and listen to me, you would've heard me when I said I've gotta song", they finally looked at me along with the boys. All the boys looked shocked for some reason.

"Damn Simone that was hot", Yella yelled at me. I rolled my eyes at him then laughed when Dre  smacked him on the back of his head.

"Boy you better shut the fuck up before Ren beats yo ass", I heard them say to Yella.

"Alright let's hear it", Alex said.

"Honestly didn't even notice you were there", Star said to me. They both got up and followed me to where the VCR player was. The boys followed too.

"Yeah of course you didn't", I rolled my eyes at her then put the tape in.

I pressed play and the sound of my mamas voice filled the room.

"Haunted by the picture frames.
I can almost touch your face.
Memories can be hell sometimes.
I thought I could away, but it ain't that easy babe, when your curled up in bed every night"

"WOW", I don't think I will ever get sick listening to this.

"YO shes dope, who is she", I hear Ren ask from behind me. My eyes were still glued to the screen but then I hear Star sigh.

"Shes our mother", she looked down.

"Thats Mary" Alex and the boys asked in disbelief.

"She was so beautiful Star", everyone agreed with me.

"Damn Star, you sing just like her", Alex and the boys told her.

"NO I don't", Star said quickly and stood up.

I looked back at her like she was crazy "STAR". I turned off the tape and put it back into my bag and take it back to where miss Carlotta put it.

"Alex what do you think of the song?".

"I loved it, I'm definitely down to perform it with y'all", she told me honestly. I looked at the boys and they all agreed too and went back to what they were doing.

"Star?", she stood up and picked up her bag. She sighed "we're not doing it", as she opened the door to exit the room, she told us that shes going over to Hunters place. I rolled my eyes and then walked back to where Ren was sitting and sat next to him.

"Whatchu writing", I asked him.

"Writing some lyrics for E's new album, man its gonna dope".

"oooo Eazy? you coming out with a album now? man I remember hearing you do Boyz N the Hood gosh that was disastrous", I laughed at him along with everyone else and Ren. E just glared at me then flicked me off. I laughed then smiled at him.

"oh you got jokes huh?"

I laughed at him then wished him luck with the album. We were at the studio for a while until it was too late so Ren decided to drop Alex and I home before miss Carlotta gets angry.

As Alex got out, Ren grabs my hand and I look to him.

"uhm would you like to go out sometime si-si?"

I smiled at him then blushed. "sure I would love to". He then leans over and kisses my cheek and I decided to do the same.

I got out and before I walked through the door, I turned around and waved at him. As soon as I got in everyone was staring at me and starting teasing me. I blushed and then ran upstairs while there still downstairs talking about. I smiled then later on went to sleep with a certain darkskin boy in my mind.

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