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"Alright y'all got 15." We heard E walk in.

Tonight was our performance and we were nervous as hell. Yes we have performed in front of so many people but tonight, other artists is gonna be there.
But I just hope no drama will come.

Ren comes in and walks up to me to hug me from behind.

"And y'all little asses better not let tonight get ruined by all this shit. This what y'all been chasing for months and here it is"

We all smiled up at E.

"Y'all got a crowd out there that's waiting to hear Take 3."

"Thas right so I need y'all to get hyped, get it up and get ready to murder them out there", Dre then said

We all got hyped and Yella told us to put our hands in. We laughed and we all put our hands in, including all the guys.

"Take 3 on 3. 1 2 3"

"TAKE THREEEE" we all yelled as we raised our hands up.

We chuckled and group hugged each other.

"Ok we'll be watching y'all from backstage while Dre and Ren watch from the crowd. Good luck girls", E walked off along with the other guys.

Alex takes our hands and smiles at us.

"Let's do it"
We actually killed our performance. All the practice that we've done, has paid off and I couldn't be even more proud of us. I looked backstage and saw the guys dapping each other and yelling out to us that we did great.

Everyone was cheering.

The moment then cut off when everybody starts chanting 'There For You'.

Me and Alex's smile came off our face as we looked at Star angrily. We looked into the crowd and saw Jerry's scary ass smirking. I looked to E and he was busy yelling at someone.

Star looked like she was actually enjoying this.

"Thank y'all for downloading my new single", Star says and the crowd cheers even louder.

"I don't, I don't know what to say. Ima let y'all say it..." she holds the microphone towards the crowd as they start chanting.


I walked up to her and snatched the microphone outta her hand. Next thing you know Alex came from behind me and wrestles Star onto the ground. Alex starts punching Star and all this in front of so many people.

The crowd was going crazy even more as they saw the two girls fight.

Star then rolled over so that she was on top of Alex and pushed Alex off the stage.

I looked at her in disbelief and she stared right back at me with a look of regret in her eyes.

And then the lights went off.
We all walked backstage and all the girlswere there. E was pacing around the room and Jerry was talking to the lady that was in charge of our upcoming tour.

"Take 3 is out. This group cannot make it through an entire national tour"

"Woah woah woah, Stars single is getting national attention. It's definitely hot enough to push ticket sales. Your opening act is standing right there", Jerry says to the board as he points to Star.

I looked over at Simone and saw that she was glaring at star. Damn

"What are you tryna pull Jerry", Dre says

"I'm doing what a manager should be doing"

"I told you to stop trying to come between these girls. Star don't listen to this mess", E says.

"Well I ain't wrong, Star has proven to be a crowd pleaser across all demographics"

"All demographics?", Alex asks.

"Right. I'm not gonna stand here and listen to this", she walked out.

We all looked over to the Simone and Star.

"We ain't a family. No no more", Simone says to her sister.

Star scoffs. "Everything that I've ever done has been for us"

Simone shakes her head as a tear goes down her face.
"Would you stop with the lies?"

Simone walks past us and I try to grab her arm but she pushed me away.

"Look Take 3 is a package deal", the guys tried to reason with the lady.

She just ignored us and turned to Jerry.

"Star will join the tour as a solo artist, if she's in"

We all looked towards Star and she just stood there while we waited for her answer.

HELLO (MCREN X SIMONE DAVIS) Where stories live. Discover now