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We all rushed Simone to the hospital as soon as she fainted at the church. It was miss Carlotta and I thats at the hospital. She was tryna page Star but she never picked up. You can tell she was real worried about Simone cause she's been crying really bad.

Meanwhile, the doctors and nurses were tryna bring Simone back to consciousness. Man I hope she wakes up soon. I don't know what I would do if she doesn't make it. Shes the only girl I actually give a damn about and if she doesn't make it, I just don't know what to do. Everything about her just makes me so crazy. Her curly hair, the freckles she has that I love so much, the way her eyes light up whenever she sees me and the sassiness she has when singing a song.

My thoughts were cut off by the doctor coming to inform us about what has happened with Simone.
He walked over to miss Carlotta and pointed to her "you're the mother of Simone Davis", I looked over to miss Carlotta and she hesitated before she answered yes.

The doctor nodded. "Well you daughter is fine now. Right now she's on cardiac arrest due to drug overdose. But we're still trying to figure out if it was by accident or... if it was a suicide attempt". Me and miss Carlotta looked at each other shocked by the news that was just told.

Why would Simone ever try to kill herself?

"When can we see her?", miss Carlotta asked.
"Visitors are accepted now, just follow me", after the doctor said that, we both stood up and followed him to where Simone was.

"Have you reached Star yet", I asked miss Carlotta.
"No that girl still hasn't answered yet", she said in a angry tone. "Who are you anyway?", she asks me.

"Oh I'm a friend of Simone and of O'Shea. Her and sister are signed at the same record label as my group NWA", I told her. She whipped her head towards me when I said that she was signed at the same label as my group. I then hear her mutter under her breath 'man as soon as I get a reach of Star'.

I still wanted to know why Simone would do this to herself. I needed answers.
"Do you know why Simone did this? Did something happened to her before it happened? She was in foster care right? Did anything happen to her there?", I kept asking miss Carlotta. She looked at me with a tired expression "look I don't know ok. But all I know is that I watched her real mother die right in front of me and I can't let the same thing happen to Simone", she told me with tears brimming her eyes.

"What happened to her father? Was he ever in her life?", I kept asking. "No one knows who her father except that he's black". I nodded.

We finally got to the room and what I saw just broke my heart. It was Simone. She had wires and shit connected to her. She still looks beautiful as ever tho. We went and sat on both sides and just admired how peaceful she looks sleeping. I grabbed her hand and just held tight.

I guess she felt it cause her beautiful brown eyes opened up. She saw me and a huge smile spread across her face. As soon as I saw that, I jumped up from my seat and hugged her. She laughed as she hugged me back. We pulled away and I just kissed her cheek cause I felt like it.

She blushed and looked down and I chuckled. I put my fingers on my chin and lifted her chin so she's looking at me "don't ever look down Si-Si". I see her cheek turn red again and she busted out smiling again.

We then hear someone clear there throat and that's when I forgot that miss Carlotta was here as well. Simone and I pull away awkwardly but I still held her hand and then looked at miss Carlotta with an innocent smile on our faces. Miss Carlotta eyes both of us and says 'friend of hers huh?' With a small smile.

Simone then tries to get up and hug miss Carlotta but we both told her to calm down since she still had wires connected to her. We both then started asking her why she took those pills and she looked like she was about to cry. I squeezed her hand to ensure her that it's ok and she looked at me and smiled.

She took a breath and finally said "I keep having those nightmares miss Carlotta". Nightmares? What kind of nightmares?
"What happens in those nightmares honey?", miss Carlotta asks.

I felt like it was getting too personal so I told them that I will wait outside, but when I got up I felt a soft hand grab onto mine. I turned around and and looked into her eyes and then leaned in to kiss her cheek and then walked out.

I then got a call from dre asking where I'm at. I told him everything that's happened with Simone and I asked if he knew where Star was.

"Yea she's over here with Alex writing their new song", he told me. Man I can't believe her. Her sister almost died and she's at the studio worried about her music. "Man tell her that miss Carlotta has been tryna page her", I told him and then he told me to come down to the studio cause we got new shit to record.

I walked back into the room and told them that I have to go down to the studio but I'll be back later. I walked over to Simone and kissed her forehead before I left.

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