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Alex was aight. I mean she may seem like one of those spoilt bitches that just show off her money to the whole damn world, but I can tell she really wants to do this music business with my sister and I. Plus she is very beautiful. Her dark chocolate skin and her shoulder length hair which who even knows is real.

Right now we're driving to the salon that our godmother Carlotta apparently works out. Star got out of the car and told Alex and I to stay inside the car while she goes and looks for Carlotta.

"I'll come with", I said while trying to open the door only cause I didn't want to stay inside the car by myself with Alex. I mean I don't know her like that.

"it'll just take two minutes Simone" Star said to me as she got out of the car and walked towards the salon.

As she got out Alex turned around to face me "what, do you think I'm gonna eat chu or something?", she chuckles. I roll my eyes even tho she can't see me. "Bitch, all you eat is greens".
Few awkward minutes later, Star finally comes back.

I leaned up between the two front seats, "soooo...was she there?" I asked. Star then turned on the car and started pulling out of the parking. "Nah they told me she was at the church so we'll just go there".

"Man you need stop smoking that shet Simone", Star said to me with disgust as I sit back at took a puff of the weed I have. "I can't yanno, this shet makes me feel good" I see her roll her eyes and then I hear a whatever come outta her mouth.

"Anyways so I talked to dre this morning" Star said to us both. Alex turned to her then asked what did he say. Star then replied back saying that his boy will let us sing for him and if he likes us, then he'll sign us into his record. I'm pretty excited but nervous at the same time. Growing up, music was my everything especially when I had a mother who was a musician herself along with her bestfriend. Maybe doing this with Star and Alex wouldn't be such a bad idea.

"OMG I CANT BELIEVE WE MIGHT ACTUALLY BE SIGNED AT A RECORD LABEL", Alex started screaming outta nowhere. I rolled my eyes.
"Girl you just need to chill, I mean what if they don't even like our singing? Then what are we going to do huh?" I said to her. "Don't worry they will", Star said with a smirk on her face.

I looked at her confusingly and then just shrugged it off.

Dang Carlotta is still the same. She can still sing her ass off I tell ya. I can tell that she still has the same passion of singing like how she did a few years back when mama died.

We were sitting and eating outside the church just talking about how everything is. "Good singing sure makes me hungry", Carlotta said to us as she put a piece of chicken in her mouth. Star and I both look at her and laughed lightly agreeing with her.

"My arteries are clogging just looking at it", Alex said with disgust in her voice. "Girl you are too young to have arteries", Carlotta said back to her.

Carlotta then looks at her "im suprised you never set foot in a church", she says to Alex. Alex then replies back confidently "nothing wrong with being an atheist" she smiles proudly.

Carlotta freezes and looks towards Alex with a shocked look on her face. "You gon burn".
Just then a light skin boy with a Compton hat with jeri curls underneath approached our table saying hello to miss Carlotta. "Now, I know you came by for the food, cause I certainly ain't seen you in the service", miss Carlotta says to the guy with jeri curls.

"You know I was busy today with the boys with the whole music shi- I mean thing" the boy corrected himself since he was technically standing in front of a church. I laughed lightly to myself. He then turns towards us and finally introduces himself to us.
"How y'all doing, ladies? I'm Cube" just when he said that, Carlotta reaches up and smacks him behind the head and kisses her teeth.

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