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Take 3 has been doing so good on tour. We performed at every show before NWA and people actually loved us, which I was abit confused at first because of what happened at our first show with doc.

Ren and I are doing great as usual and Im definitely falling in love with him. He's been so caring and patient with me but I feel like these past week on tour he's been getting all touchy with me but I just didn't want to do anything cause of my past which I know gets on his nerve every time I stop him from going too far.

Alex and cube are still together but we all know he be creepin behind Alex's back like that time at the hotel.

And Star... well her and Dre have been getting close. They've always been close but yanno close close.

Right now all the guys and us girls were outside playing domino while me and the girls were just sitting there looking at boys get all crazy.

"15 on that", ren says putting his last domino on the table.

All the boys started groaning and cussing cause ren won.

Ren just started laughing at all of them and I just smiled at him while he sat down next to me and kinda leaned on me.

All the noise went down as Jerry approached the table.

"Excuse me. Gentleman oh and ladies..." he said to the guys but then acknowledged us.

"Hey Jerry wassup", Star says.

"I'm sorry I don't mean to be the bearer of bad news...", he starts off as he puts a piece of paper in front of E.

"Oh shit", E says as he takes a look of the paper.

"What is it?", I asked curiously.

"Yo it's the muthafuckin FBI."

"Wait the FBI? They comin after us too?", Dre says

"Jerry what does the letter say?", Ren spoke.

"Uh, basically, uh 'a song recorded by the rap group NWA on their album Straight Outta Compton encourages violence against law enforcement. Advocating violence and assault is wrong, and we in the law enforcement community take exception to such action", Jerry finished reading.

"Fuck that. Fuck the law enforcement community. We got freedom of speech, man. What the fuck can they do to us?", Cube says with that mean ass mug on his face that he usually always have.

"Right. You wanna provoke me and find out? Because this is a warning cube. And it's about Fuck Tha Police in particular so...I think maybe we should not play that song right now." Jerry says as we all just looked at him crazily.

"Not play what? Fuck that, Jerry. That's what the song is about. FUCK the police!" Ren says putting so much emphasis on the f word. I put my hands on his shoulders telling him to calm down.

"I just say we retire it for now, okay? It is a reasonably worded threat. This isn't street bullshit. This isn't the Crips and Bloods and crap. This is the federal government. These guys can come after us a million different ways. I don't even want to think about it. Why provoke them?", Jerry says

"If it was the LAPD maybe I'd be a little worried, but we can't let them censor us Jerry"

I looked to the girls and I think they were thinking the same thing as me. I sat up from where I was sitting. "Guys". No one heard me. Of course.

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