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"Your requesting a review at this matter, but there's still the issue of your prison record Miss Brown", the judge says to miss C.

"Your honour I've completed parenting classes, Simone is keeping her grades up"

Not really.

"And breaking curfew and getting drunk with her former roommate"

Miss C sighs "she's only doing that because she unhappy in that facility. She's acting out because she's used to being in a home, MY home".

"I'm sorry but nothing has changed since the last hearing. The request to restore foster care denied"

Tears well up in my eyes as the judge continues.

"Simone Davis will remain in the custody of the Compton Juvenile Detention center." She slams the wooden hammer onto the table saying that it's finished.

I look behind me and see that E is sitting where the other people was sitting along with Star and Alex. I looked at E in confusion. Why was he here?

I then got up and ran out of the court room with Star and Alex running after me.

I ran to the women's bathroom and locked myself in there. I leaned up against the wall and slid down and just broke down crying.

"SIMONE? Simone please just open the door"I hear
Star and Alex yelling out to me and knocking on the door.

"Simone Cmon please I know this didn't go how we expected ok, but you gotta understand that this is not forever. You will be outta there as soon as you turn 18"

I pulled my legs up against my chest and just silently cried. The girls kept tryna comfort me from outside.
I started to bang the back of head against the door.

"Simone do not hurt yourself, if you do that you're giving them the power"

I didn't listen.

"SIMONE! Please stop doing that"

I didn't listen.

"You know what Ima kick the door so back up so the glass doesn't shatter all over your stupid ass", Star says.

"Where is she? SIMONE!", I hear that familiar deep voice. When did Ren get here?

"She locked herself inside and keeps banging her head on the door like she's tryna hurt herself"

"SIMONE SIMONE open the door right now", Ren says.

I decided to get up and slowly opened the door. There standing outside the door was Star, Alex, Ren and E.

"When did you even get here?", I mumbled to Ren with my head down.

I then look up to Star and she has a angry look on her face "you really scared me this time"

"I just want to get out of there Star. I hate that place it's my fault I'm in there" I then start hitting my forehead and kept repeating that it's my fault.

"Stop doing that"
Ren grabs my arms and puts them by my side while he tells me to look him in his eyes.

"You will get out of there. Trust me Simone you will. Our tour is coming u-"

HELLO (MCREN X SIMONE DAVIS) Where stories live. Discover now