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Georgia shrieked, "What?"
Jason looked anxious. "How did we reach in just one day?"
Georgia looked outside. Then she went towards the spaceshift's door and looked through the glass. As soon as she looked out, she felt a piercing pain in her eyes and head. She realised what had happened.
"Jason!" She said
Jason looked at her questioningly. Georgia smiled and said, "Solar storm."
Jason's expression didn't change. "Okay, so!"
"Solar storms are dangerous but sometimes can increase the speed of spacecrafts and satellites. So this must have been a strong solar storm."
Jason shook his head. "Georgia, gaining 4 days makes sense. 5 days even. But what? 11 days? That isn't possible."
Georgia. "Maybe there is some other external factor that might have caused. Oh wait! We are travelling towards another planet's moon. We are experiencing the gravitational fields of the other planets! Maybe that's what's bent time?"
Jason looked thoughtful. "Yeah okay that makes sense." Jason grinned. "That actually makes a lot of sense!"
Jason switched off auto pilot since he had to land the space ship. He said, "Georgia, sit down and wear a seat belt. You'll need it."
Georgia followed his instructions. The space craft was getting closer to Ganymede. The closer it got, the more Georgia got scared. She was excited but felt something strange about her excitement. It was a very unfamiliar feeling. The brownish grey colour of her home planet, the landing, Jason being the pilot, everything overwhelmed her. She was feeling anxious. Her heart almost stopped when Jason finally landed.


Andrew cried out Selena's name for the hundredth time. He knew she wasn't coming back. He looked at Sia with his red blood shot eyes. "Why?" Was all he asked. He was really angry now. He had to get to Mars now at any cost. He had no one left. He needed to see his parents. Sia looked at him, expressionless. The person who had killed Selena had gone back inside. Andrew has never wanted to kill anyone that badly in his life. Ever! Sia sighed. "Fine. I pity you. Take my spaceship and go. I don't really care about you, Selena or that stupid Georgia." That was the last straw. Andrew hurled himself at Sia, with the dagger in his hand. He stabbed her. Blood trickled out of her mouth. She coughed some blood and fell down. She's dead thought Andrew. Andrew stormed in the house. No one knew Sia was dead and he didn't care. He reached the space ship and started playing around with the controls. Somehow he figured out what to do. The engine started and he took off into space.


Hannah and Max had already reached their planet. All Max had to do was hold Hannah's hand. He could transport himself anywhere. Max was already standing in front of the leader. His name was Liam. Max had been handcuffed since he had not completed his mission. But everyone on the planet was given a fair chance. He explained the situation. Everything. Then Liam looked at his subordinates and asked everyone to go out of the room. To Max, the five minutes seemed like an hour. Hannah had been holing his hand throughout until the moment he was called back in again. Max went inside, his heart beating a million times a second. Liam looked at Max and said, "Because of your daughter, you have been spared." Max heart slowed down a little. But he knew that this wasn't it. "But, since you have failed to complete your mission, you will be stripped of your pleiadian powers and will be made an aliyen." Max was not sad to hear that at all! He was overjoyed! He could be the same being his daughter was! "Thank you master! Thank you so much! I promise not to disappoint you in the future." Liam smiled. "I should hope not."
Max went outside to Hannah. He told her, "I'm becoming an Aliyen." Hannah gasped. "What! I'm so sorry! You're going to be stripped of your powers!" Max laughed. "And that is the best thing that has ever happened to me, after you that is."
"Hannah hugged her father. She was the happiest girl in the world."


Jason and Georgia came out of the space ship. For a second they couldn't breathe. But then, it felt normal. The size of their lungs changed when they were exposed to different types of atmosphere. Jason led Georgia towards the infernum. They walked silently for an hour. Georgia was getting tied but wasn't thirsty. When Georgia saw a large bird fly towards them, Jason said, "Infernum messenger." Georgia looked at the majestic bird. She was never so fascinated by anything else in her life. She was speechless. It had huge Phoenix-like wings. It had talons like an eagle. The bird was ruby coloured. It looked like a dangerous angel. It dug it's talons in the sand and bowed down before Jason and Georgia. I thought they hated me thought Georgia. She looked at Jason, confused. Just then the ground underneath trembled. A circle like hole opened which led straight to the infernum. They looked scared but later realised. They kept falling for five minutes. When they finally reached the ground, Georgia realised that she had fallen of Jason's ankle. "Careful idiot! That's my ankle" laughed Jason. "I got to be able to walk right?" Georgia punched his shoulder lightly and laughed. They got up. Georgia looked around and saw that everything was made up of fire. Even the ground they were walking on was made of fire, but it didn't burn her. After walking a few meters, she stopped when she saw a large being. It looked like an angel, but had a ring of fire above it's head instead of a halo. Instead of white wings it had raven black wings. Instead of having a sweet and soothing voice, it had a normal human voice. "What brings you here Ilona bearer? Haven't you betrayed us enough?"
Georgia told them what had happened to her, from the beginning. The angel just listened to her with an expressionless face. When Georgia finished he said, "I know your story Georgia. But yes, the infernum blamed you for the war, so did the coelum. The heavens thought that you weren't supposed to live because you have the Ilona. But the truth is that your Ilona only works if the people who brought you to life are alive."
Georgia looked confused. She said, "I know my father is dead. But my mom is alive."
The angel looked uncomfortable. "I'm sorry I'm the one telling you this. But...."
"But what?" Georgia looked scared.
"My dear I'm sorry to tell you this, but the Martians killed your mother on Earth only."

Caught in spaceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें