Turned( Not edited)

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God damnit people! What the heck's your problem? I mean can't u like leave us girls alone????
This was what was coming to her mind repeatedly when she saw the group of guys smirking at her again and again! She was furious but at the same time had a certain warmth in her heart because of the moments she was spending with her best friend!!

She looked over to them again and realised that they were making their way towards her. She was panicking inside! She said, "Andrew, I need to talk to you, very important! Alone!"
"Sure Georgie!"
But her happiness was short lived because at the moment she had no idea that whatever was coming to her, the situation would almost be inevitable. At least for now she could comfort in the fact that she wasn't alone. She had Andrew.
Going to some corner in a shop, she said, "Andrew, did u see that group of guys eyeing me?"
"Yes." He replied, casually. "And I need you to come with me."
"What? Why?" She was getting a really bad feeling, and that's when she noticed it. Andrew had a knife in his pocket. What the heck? Should a 16 year old have a knife?
" I'm not who you think I am."

She screamed! Literally screamed. But Andrew had a firm grip on her hand, something which she would have welcomed a few minutes back. He exactly at that moment shouted, "Georgie, you're more than a friend to me." She knew why! He wanted people to think she cried out loud out of astonishment and not out of fear.
"God I hate you Andrew. Or whoever you  are."
"Well, Georgia, For starters, I'm not  Andrew." I'm Leonard and a part of the "crooks".
"Goddamnit! I hate humans! And their idiotic mindset. I just wish I could eliminate the whole of human race!"
"What's that supposed to mean? You do know that you're a human too right?"
"Well, yes and no."

And at that moment, she holds out both her hands and turns to him, to strangle him. But she never touches them. She shows as if she wants to strangle them, at least that's how it was looking. But the guys started choking. On nothing. Their neck was turning blue and so were their faces. They collapsed then and there.

Georgia walked off from there as if nothing had happened. Then she spots Andrew. She waves her hand and he waves back. But this time she's wary and cautiously moves towards him. "Hey Georgia! I'm sorry I'm a little late. My mom had kept me."
"Hey, no problem! I was just looking through the stores to find a dress until you came, you know,for prom."
"Right! Prom! I completely forgot about that. You know Celia had come to ask me to the prom but I told her no."Georgia was a little surprised. Celia was the prettiest girl in school who she knew liked Andrew very much and didn't show otherwise. Georgia had always been jealous of her because of that. But when Andrew said that, she knew that this was 'her' Andrew and melted then and there. "Um, why DID you say no to her? It's pretty clear that she likes you, and frankly I'm surprised you don't too."

"Well Georgia, first off, I don't like her, I never will and never have. I like someone else and that girl, well she doesn't know my feelings. Heck I don't think she's even thought of me that way." Okay now Georgia was getting seriously pissed. Why did he even bother to tell her? Keeping it from her would be better. She asked before she could even stop herself, "who is she! I mean there's no use telling me. I can't help it can I now?" Andrew looked a little surprised and hurt. Georgia regretted her words. But Andrew smiled and said something that changed Georgia's mood instantly. "Georgia, the girl I like has known me for ages! We've know each other a legit 7 years! Anyway, let's grab something to eat and then we can go to the entertainment store to get some hunger games fan fic. I know you love them. Okay? Okay. Let's go now." Georgia just smiled and smiled. She was euphoric.


Him: It was a lot of fun. TBH, I feel scared even now, after watching that horror movie in 3D!!

Me: Tell me about it! I mean, I feel as if those creatures are living right under my bed.

Him: IKR!! I...I got to go..cya trw?

Me: Sure! Goodnight.

Him: Bye! Goodnight.

"So you had fun?" "Yes mom! The best!"
She conveniently left out the part where she held Andrew during the movie as she was getting really scared........it was the best...though she knew it was only because he was her best friend and nothing more. She just revelled in the fact that she had him as a best friend. And that she was going to prom with her best friend! Very few people get that lucky.
"Nothing out of the ordinary happened? And georgia I want the truth."
She tells her mother about the incident. She doesnt even leave the part where they get strangled without her touching them. Though to her surprise, her mom just nodded as if she expected this. With a sense of foreboding, she asked, "Mother, I know I'm different. But I don't know how. I know I can make things happen which that I want. But i never understand them. Overtime, i have learned to control it but I can never shake the feeling that people know something about me I dont. Please tell me mom, if you know anything about me, please tell me.
"Why don't you sit down Georgie? Eat your food while I tell you. I don't want you getting so engrossed that you forget to eat."

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