Heartfelt emotions

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Hannah and Andrew were still on the fish's back when the hypnotism wore out. They looked at each other and rolled their eyes. "Georgia" they said together. And then laughed. They fell silent. The didn't know what to do without her. It felt very quiet and incomplete. Hannah looked at the fish guy, the merman and said, "who are you? We know Damon. But not you. We thought he was the one who was going to take us to India"
He spoke in the same angelic subtle voice. He said, "My name is Jule. Short form for Julian. I'm Damon's subordinate. You were transferred to me in the middle. He is the leader of the merpeople. I am his second in command. Also, he told me how your friend sacrificed herself. She is very smart. She somehow understood that she has to activate her mother's necklace."
"Wait" Hannah said, "how do you know that?"
"We mermen, well merpeople I'm fact, are able to follow the thoughts of those people who we or our leader interacted with. But this connection between the leader and the merman or mermaid happens only if we are willing to take part in a ceremony dedicated to this. I can't tell you all that because it's meant to be the sacred information about the merpeople. But regardless I've told you the crux because I trust you. But only because Damon trusts your friend. He has a certain liking for her. I've not seen that in ages now." Judging by Andrew's reaction he said, "chill, he doesn't think that way that quickly" Hannah started laughing. But just then she saw some fin type thing jut out from the the surface. She shrieked, "shark!" Jule laughed and said, "worse my dear, worse. Cetus. You might know him as a monster sent by Poseidon to devour Andromeda, only to be destroyed by Perseus. It kills on sight. It shows no mercy."
As if on cue, it came out of the water, it's head was like a Chinese dragon but it's lower body was like a fish, except with human abs. It opened its mouth, exposing its vicious jaws. It dove for Andrew.


I've been walking for an hour around trying to activate this. How the hell do I do it? Ugh! Stupid necklace. I wish my mother had told me something. Georgie could do nothing but think. She was playing with the necklace. She happened to get it near her chest. It clicked. What the hell? She thought. Now this is making clickity clackity noises now. Oh wait! Heart. Mother. Love. Protect. Okay I think it'll be opened by love or something.  Okay here goes. I love you mom. Nothing happened. She was irritated at this point. Like really irritated. Then she realised. She rushed to Hannah house followed by Andrew's. She knew she had seen a similar purple coloured glass. And the one she was wearing was a shard. She rushed to Hannah's house. There she searched and searched until she found a purple coloured shard of glass on her father's portrait which was in Hannah's mother's cupboard. How she knew it was in there? She didn't know. It was as if it was some sort of pull. She kept that shard safely with her. Then she went to Andrew's house. There she knew where it would be. If his father was Evander, then he would keep it somewhere safe, away from prying eyes. The only place she knew like that was Andrew's room. It was the innermost room in the house. And once when she had come to his house, she and him were in his room and doing homework, when she had noticed a door in the white wall. It was well camouflaged but she noticed it for reasons unknown to her. She went to his room and saw it. The small door was open. There it was. The glass shard. She took it in her hand. Then she went in the drawing room and put the three shards on the table. Then as if solving a jigsaw puzzle she joined the pieces together. It took a little while but she was able to come-through. When they joined, a blinding purple light filled the room. Then the room started spinning and she saw glimpses of her past. She saw her mother and father arguing. Then she saw her mother breaking the purple pendant in pieces and giving it to Hannah and Andrew. But then she also saw that later she wiped their memories of them being in this moment. Then she saw her mother say 'arcanum servare salutem' and then with a white flash it all disappeared. She understood. She loudly said, 'ARCANUM SERVARE SALUTEM'. Nothing happened for a moment. The the glass pendant gloved and was pulled into a vortex.


"Ahhhhhhhh" screamed Andrew. He didn't know what to do! He didn't know how to fight. Then all he thought was to run. His feet moved in their accord. He was running on water! "What the-?" He couldn't finish the sentence because Cetus was coming towards him. He splashed it with water and he looked undeterred, but confused. Jule said, "Martian! To destroy Cetus you need to drive a sword into its back."
Andrew said, "now where the hell am I going to get a sword?"
Jule rolled his eyes. "This is my domain remember? Pray to Poseidon and think of Damon. Help will come to those who are in real need."
Andrew really didn't have time. The monster was coming at him. Once he even scratched his skin with his claws. He prayed to Poseidon while running. He though of Damon. He though of all gods and then thought of Georgie. He concentrated so hard that he didn't realise when he was finally holding a sword in his hand. But it was a tad bit late. Because just then Cetus literally tried to squash him as if he were a mosquito. He missed but Andrew fell into the water.
Hannah said, "why the hell is cetus after Andrew?"
Jule laughed"Oh only because he resembles Perseus. Not his fault really."
Andrew said, "Oh so punish me for being good looking." Cetus bent down to attack Andrew and gave himself away. Cetus might have lost his balance or something because he fell into the water face first. That have Andrew place to stab him. And he did. Cetus shrieked. And then disintegrated.
Hannah laughed and said, "no one said Perseus was good looking!"
"Ha ha ha very funny. I can get a little appreciation, I killed cetus! I really am Perseus. "Well you might be Perseus but you clearly don't have his brains. See, you CAN'T kill cetus. It disintegrated and is making its way back to hell. It is going to return when the next set of travelers come. Either way, you are brave and you passed your test. He must have noticed their confused faces and said, "Yes you had to be tested. You think any mortal will be allowed to ride the back of a merman? No no dear it is given as a honor. But you people are worthy. That's why, I will speed up. We have finished 3/4th of our journey. We just have like 5-10 minutes left to reach. But I recommend to hold on the each other."
"Why?" Andrew and Hannah asked in unison. They looked at each other, they marvelled at the connection they had and laughed.
"Woah! How do you do that! Are you like....?"
Andrew blushed. "What no no not at all. She's like a sister to me."
"Right back at ya. Except change sister to brother. I have standards. Plus he belongs to my sister. So in a way he is my brother. But in no way I can ever think of him like that."
"Plus she has her own problems anyway with guys." Andrew laughed and winked at her. Regardless of whatever Andrew said, he was growing awfully close to Hannah. He wasn't sure what he was feeling when he looked at her raven black hair and blue eyes. Oh god stop! He thought.
Hannah looked at him. She also did not know what was coming over her. She was looking at Andrew just like Jule was. But the only difference was that she noticed his beautiful brown messy hair which Georgia loved and his hazel eyes. Oh shit Georgie! How can I even think all this. She's my sister, it wouldn't be fair to her. "Well both of you have become awfully quiet after what I said. Anyway, I'm not going to dwell upon what the two of you have for each other. Which I also very clear. Anyway, we have almost reached Hannah since you're sitting behind Andrew hold him. Andrew you hold my shoulders. But make sure she never leaves you or she will be stuck here in the sea forever."
Andrew just laughed, "I would never let her get stuck, let alone leave her." He stopped cold. "Why did I just say that?"
"Um because here you can't lie at all. Like even if you try to lie, this transferring section from water to land won't let you lie. Hannah you good?"
Hannah just smiled and said, "I've never been better. Now that I have someone to hold on to." She looked as if someone had stabbed her Right the truth. I like him. How did I not realise this. Probably because I was not in a truth speaking area before. She rolled her eyes. Omg something is wrong with me.
Andrew was looking at Hannah in his peripheral vision. He thought, Damn, I do like her. But I like Georgie as well. I don't know what's come over me.She's so much funni- stop stop right there. Right now what's important is getting to Georgia's mother and Evander. And that's what we're going to do. With this they swam right into the haze only to collapse and wake up in India.

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