Optimus asicus

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Her eyes fluttered, but she couldn't open them because of the blinding white light. She squinted her eyes until could finally see. She saw she was in an open garden. She got up, ruffling her sandy and sweaty hair, rubbing her eyes. She walked barely 3 meters and walked right into a glass wall. Oh please! She thought, that's is so freaking clichè! Wait, Hannah! My so called sister. Where was she? Where was her father? Where was Andrew was he alright? Where was her mother? She was thinking about all of this when she saw Hannah, but not quite herself.
She looked, fierce. Then she saw it. She had a mark of .....infinity?
On her hand. Was it a tattoo? But wait, Hannah never had a tattoo. Then she remembered that she was a supernatural being. She thought of the thing she wanted most right now. Shatter the glass! Nothing happened. Well I guess I'm not god. She laughed at herself. Hannah looked at her. Then she touched the glass chamber and the infinity mark glowed. The glass cage melted. She looked at her and said "Georgia, I'm sorry I had to chain you. But your father is really messed up at this point. He is beyond help. I don't know what happened to him. He was really yours until I don't when. I know you think you cannot trust me but please, I love you, we are sisters, and literally from different misters."

"Hannah! Stop it! I'm done with the lies. Max told me I was a Ganymean. He said that I wasn't from Andromeda. What is going on. Since there is nobody I can trust right now, I have to trust you."
"Thank you so much. And trust my this time it's no trap. I really am your sister. This is also true that you are a Ganymean. You are not from Andromeda. You physically cannot be. Because if you were from there you wouldn't look human."
"O.....k. But I still don't say I trust you. Believing and trusting. There's a big difference."
"Okay. That's all I want. I will tell you everything I know."
"Okay." Georgie was still vary. She didn't know what to believe but she could revel in the fact that her best friend was okay.
"Okay. I'll start with you. Your name."
"You thought your name is Alena. It isn't. Max lied to you about tons of things but  about certain things he was bang on. Your real name is Luna, and you really are from the moon. But not earth's. You are from Jupiter's moon, Ganymede. Your mother is also from there. But she doesn't know that as her memories were wiped out. Your father wasn't a ganymeam though. He was a huminom. Oh I'm sorry, a human. He fell in love with your mother when she had come to earth to research. I don't know much about her from my research though. The first time she met your father was at the church. She had gone there for her reasons. She was a very secretive woman. When they met, it was love at first sight. They didn't know it themselves. But as fate would have it, they met almost everyday, but only by coincidence and not their choice. They naturally fell in love and got married. But your mother kept your origin as secret. As I told you. But later, when you started getting more powerful, you ultimately freaked out your father. He called you both a freak and left you and your mother when you were just 6. He came back to you when you turned 10. But somehow, he had turned....nasty. He had evil like traits in him. Somehow, he had learnt to erase memories. So to have a normal life, he erased your and your mother's memories in the hope of having a normal life. But look how that backfired. You still managed to regain part of your memories. It's who you are. Then later, your mother found out, your dad had had another wife before marrying Selena. Selena did not know this. But the previous wife, Ava, was already nine months pregnant by the time Selena had you. Which lead him leaving you people."
"Who was her daughter?"
"Her daughters name was Hannah."
"Oh she has the same name as you!"
"No. She is me."

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