Extraterrestrial Problems

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In the evening..after school
"Hey Hannah whatsup?"
"How about you start?"
"Sure, but you've got to tell me too."
"Obviously..carry on."
"Okay, Uh how do I start. I'm not from earth."
"I knew that, continue."
"Wh-how? Keep that question on hold. I'm from Andromeda Galaxy"
"Whattt? Okay I'm coming over right now! I have to talk to you face to face anyway. Something is..uh I'll tell you when we meet kay?"
The bell rings..
"No way!"
She goes to open the door and sees a smiling yet tired Hannah.
"Hanny! You're here! I'm so glad to see you. It's been so long! I would hug you but I don't want to catch a cold."
"Haha it's alright. Can I come in?"
"Whoops sorry. Come on in!"
"No problemo!"
Hannah. The prettiest girl Georgie knew, but was told otherwise by her. She was smart, cunning, pretty and a wiz at maths! She could have been popular if she wouldn't help the so-called losers.
"Okay spill Georgie! What's up?"
"Okay. I, not from earth. I've been told that I'm from a galaxy called andromeda and that there's a pleiadian that's come to eliminate me and then there's Andrew who's acting really weird who is also from the same galaxy."
"Okay, all this I believe."
"You do?"
"Yeah of course! Because Georgie, which actually isn't your name, I'm your sister."
"What? Ho-huh?"
"Surprised? Yeah. I'm not from earth either. But trust me that you are and will be told a lot of lies. Just like you are right now. Andrew, he's actually with the pleiadian who wants you dead. You can't trust anyone."
"How am I supposed to absorb all this! I mean I was just Georgia yesterday. How did my life change so drastically! And u! My sister? How?"
"Well I know you are going to find this hard to believe. But fortunately You saw the effects of what you could do since you were a baby. So explaining it to you now won't be such a problem. The only people you can trust is me, that is if you choose to and your father."
"My father? He's a cop! And I can't trust you. What is going on. I don't feel so good anymore. Oh god! Oh my freaking god!"
Georgia faints. Hannah catches her. She takes out her sozo, a device which heals the body of any problem. Hannah creates a triangle on her forehead. Then a blinding blue light which fill the room and Georgia wakes up shreaking.
"Wh-what happened?"
"You fainted. It happens when.."
"I know what and when it happens genius. But I seriously can't believe it."
"Look can we just ask you father? He has much much much more authority, power, whatever you want to call it. He's going to be able to explain it to you better."
"Okay. I'm not saying I'm believing anything."


"Georgie, get up! Get up right now!" Andrew was looking at her with a sharp speculative expression. He looked shattered and shocked.
"What happened?" Georgie asked, a little anxious

"Your mother! She's really gone now!"

"What the hell do you mean by that!?"
"I mean that your mother is actually gone! Not dead gone, but gone as in ran away!"
"But she always knew something was different! She knew about me, and you."
"Oh wow! You really are dumb. You need to understand that whenever you spoke to your 'mother' about all this extraterrestrial stuff, it was always the pleiadian.

"Okay you have said that before as well and you later told me that you were joking. You should know that one joke does not work twice."

"Uh, about that, I'm really sorry. I was not joking. I never was joking. It was just I couldn't see you angry. With me. But I can't help myself from telling you this. I can't stand to keep anymore secrets from you and I can't stand it."

"Yeah well thanks a lot Andrew! You've really made my day by lying to me, telling me the most heartbreaking thing and not being sorry in the least. All you look like is someone desperate to have someone you've known for a long time to rant.

Also, you know that nowadays, you feel like a completely different person. Not the person I knew 7 years back. You know at this point it just very hard to believe you at all."

"That's it! You've crossed the limit! I've had enough of YOUR rants, your problems! Its always been about you! Why is that! You need to know that in this world there are more people than just you. Even other people have needs, are like you"

"Bullshit. Clearly Andrew no one else is like me. What, everyone is from whatever planet you said?"

"You know what, just enough. I'm done arguing with you. I'm done with you. You know it's better if Hannah was your best friend and not me."

"Oh my dear you do not need to worry 'bout that! She's always been my best friend."

Andrew was stung. The person who was most dear to him said all that. But then again, he said even worse things back.

"So I guess it's even then. I should go. I'll..Uh whatever. Bye."

He was happy that his tears hadn't betrayed him in front of Georgia. He started crying only after he had his back to Georgia. He knew that something was making both of them act like this. But the fact that they had angered him enough to not look into his curiosity.

"Fine! I'd rather you go."

After he turned and started making his way towards the school, hot tears shone in her eyes. She started crying. She loved Andrew! They were almost family. They had been through thick and thin together. She was his sist....she couldn't even make herself say that in her head. Other people generally mistook them for brother and sister. That angered her. Why was he acting like that? Worse still, why was she? Again the same questions, the same ones as yesterday came rushing back to her. She needed to talk to someone about her origin. And somewhere deep in her heart she knew she shouldn't ask Andrew.
She knew that she couldn't ask her father or Hannah.
She was going to go to the pleidian, who's mission was to kill her.


Thank you so much for reading! I hope you liked this part! I would love to get some ideas about the next chapters! Do comment on them!!

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