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Georgia, can I come in? Sure! said Georgia. Her mother Selena. She was the perfect mother anyone could ask for. Understanding, beautiful and kind. She came in with a smile, which was not quite reaching her eyes. She walked towards Georgia's bed, and sat down next to Georgia, who said, "mom, I'm unable to sleep. I keep getting the feeling that something bad is about to happen." Selena looked at her daughter, worried. She smiled and started singing a lullaby for her daughter. Georgia loved her mother's voice. She felt like her mom's singing took her to an entirely different world altogether. Gradually, her mother's song put her to sleep.


Georgia's alarm rang at exactly 7:05am She was excited to go to school that day because their class had been assigned a homework of writing a poem. Georgia had always loved English. She loved poetry, writing and reading.

She packed her bag, ate her breakfast, kissed her mom and bid goodbye to her one true love, Coco,, her beautiful golden retriever. He wagged his tail and licked her face.

Georgia was a sweet and simple hearted girl. She had beautiful red hair and hazel eyes. She was the kind of girl who sometimes went unnoticed. But that didn't bother her. That is because she had everything a person wanted. She had a mother, a loving dog as a sibling and two best friends. One was a guy, Andrew and the other was a girl Hannah. She was very close to both of them and loved spending time with them.

When Georgia reached school, her excitement rapidly grew. When she was putting her books in the locker she heard one of her friends say to someone, "Oh my god! Mia's poem is so good! I actually wrote it down so that when she presents her poem in class then I'd understand every word. Also I want it because she is so amazing!"

"Oh god you're so lucky! Can you show it to me?"

"Well I won't show it but i'll recite it."

"Okay, that'll do"

"Okay here goes.

The moon hides behind the clouds

The stars shine bright at night

But every time I think about

The truth that hides behind these lines.

Every star has a story

Every cloud does too

But like black holes,

do they have their memories?

I ponder every day and night

Do I ever understand what isn't in my sight

Will I ever be free

Or will my mind have to flee?

"That was such a good poem! I wonder how she knows so much about astronomy!"

Saying that the girls walked away towards their classes.

Georgia was fuming. That was her poem! She was passionate about astronomy and somehow Mia had written the exact same poem. She was at a loss for words. She knew that Mia had somehow stolen her poem over the weekend. Georgia was sure of it. But Georgia was a smart kid. Since the buses were still coming in, she knew it would take a little while for the classes to start. She ran to her teacher, Mrs Harper and told her that her poem was an original, talking about the mystery behind the universe. Mrs Harper already knew about Georgia's interest in Space. Mrs Harper was very happy that Georgia had combined science and English.

When all the children were seated, Mrs Harper called each student one by one, on the basis of their name. Georgia's name was called before Mia's. When Mia's name was called, she couldn't do anything but say that she hadn't done the poem. This was because she didn't want anyone to think she had cheated. After casting a disappointed look at Mia, Mrs Harper told her to go sit down. She said, "Don't think that this poem won't be counted in your report card young lady. You will face the consequences because you were given ample time to finish this assignment." Mia nodded. "I'm sorry Mrs Harper. You won't be disappointed next time." Mrs Harper nodded. Just as she turned towards the board, Mia looked at Georgia and almost hissed, "I will get back at you for this."

Georgia frankly, didn't care. This is because at the end of the day,Georgia received an applause and Mia received a bad grade. She was happy because she was able to deal with Mia, yet another day.

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