The extraterrestrials

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Georgia got up the next day with a new sense of anxiety. She and Jason were going to go to Ganymede. It would take them a total of 3 days.
Hannah and Max would be going to their planet to tell everything. Andrew was going to Mars with Selena. Everything seemed perfect. Georgia packed her bags and went over to Jason's house. "Hey Jason!" She saw Jason gardening. Jason grinned at her. "Hey! Ready?" "Uh Huh!" Jason went back inside to bring his bags. Georgia looked at the door in wonder. Her life would her gone so differently if Hannah didn't live here. If Jason didn't meet her. Jason came out with two bags in his hands. "Are those all of your clothes? That's it?" "Trust me, you won't be needing the clothes in your very big one suitcase."


Jason grinned, "You'll see. But i doubt in space we'll be needing many clothes. No dirt remember?"

"Ha ha very funny."

They went towards a lonely building where they, who were told by Max, would find a trapdoor leading to a smaller version of the space station. They would be jumping in the ship and Jason would know how and what to make of it.
Georgia walked towards the huge black door. Jason went forward and pulled it. He tried hard to open it but couldn't. Georgia grinned at Jason, "Use your brains once in a while. It'll go waste otherwise." Jason rolled his eyes. Georgia pushes the door once and it opened with ease. Jason looked flushed. Georgia smirked. They walked in. Georgia looked around. "This place is a dump. Where will we find that trapdoor?"
"Eh...use your brains. You're smarter than me isn't it?" Jason laughed. "Just kidding. It's over by those boxes. We just have to remove those boxes and down we go."
"Okay. Let's go."


Andrew and Selena used their tracking devices to call upon any ET that would transport them to Mars. Andrew looked at Selena. "Where do we get a tracking device?"
Selena looked towards a dilapidated house. "There."
"Uh, there?" Andrew shivered by only looking at the house. "Who knows what's inside?"
"You have to be brave Andrew. You have to meet your parents, and know where you're from. Otherwise you're going to wonder all your life. Few days ago you thought your parents weren't alive. Now you found out that you do and your aunt and uncle are not with you anymore. That's as sign."
Andrew sighed. "Well I guess you're right."
Andrew and Selena walked towards the house. They knocked on the door and waited. After almost a few minutes, when they were about to give up, a young girl opened the door. She smiled sweetly at them. "Sorry for the delay. I was held up by my father. How can I help you?" Andrew raised his eyebrows. Selena just smiled. "Hello dear, could you please help us go to Mars?"
"Mars? Wait. Aren't you a Ganymean?" Her smile had vanished. She had become.....annoyed? Selena just smiled. "Please Sia, please help us. I know you don't like my daughter very much. Or me. But I want to reunite this boy with his parents.
Sia just shrugged. "Look, right now there are a few Martians over. If they see that there is a Ganymean outside, they are going to kill you. So please, leave. I don't want a murder on my front patio. Please."
"Why would they murder me?" Asked Selena. "Isn't the war on Mars?"
Sia looked over at Selena with her pitch black eyes. "We're Martians aren't we? You ganymeans don't know how to handle anything. Do you even know the reason of the war?"
Selena grimaced. "No."
Andrew looked at Sia and then Selena. Sia finally said, "Ganymede had betrayed Mars. Ganymede tried to steal the frozen Martian water which is essential for all Martians' survival."
Selena looked shocked. "What?! But we were told it was because of the coelum and the infernum. "
Sia just shrugged. "Eh that might be a reason too but that's not the major one, but all of us hate ganymeans now. I don't think there will be any way Martians will be able to ever forgive Ganymeans."
Selena just sighed. "Okay then."
Andrew finally said, "Please sia, I want to meet my parents. I thought that they were dead, so my aunt and uncle supported me. Now my aunt and uncle are dead and I've found out that my parents are alive."
Sia looked at Andrew with a peculiar expression. "Okay. I'll help you. But I want something in return."

"Okay name it."

"We want Selena."

"What!!" No!."

Sia just shrugged, "Well to get to my pod you need to go to my backyard. To reach there you need to cross my patio. My friends will instantly recognise her. So, we want Selena."

Andrew screamed ."How do you know they'd want her?"

Just then a dagger came flying out of the door. It hit selena in the stomach. She screamed and fell done. Andrew bent down next to her, tears in his eyes. Just then a blonde girl said, "You're right. We don't want her." But then she smirked. "But the infernum does."

"Jason!" It was the nth time she had said his name. They had taken off and were almost reaching the Van Allen's belt. She was having so much fun floating. Jason just looked at her and sighed. "Girls" he murmured. Then Georgia would shove him towards the walls and the would both end up laughing.

The first day in space had passed so quickly! Just then Jason aksed her, "Do you remember everything?"

Georgia looked at him questioningly. "What do you mean?"

He replied, "Well, did you get back the memories of you being on Ganymede?"

"How'd you know that?" Georgia was a little embarrassed. She remembered everything. The conversation.

"Yeah. So?"

"So what?"

Jason gave in. "Okay. Too awkward. Do you remember what I gave you for your birthday? And what I said?"

Georgia was redder than a beetroot. "Look Jason, I remember all that. But after my memories got erased I met you again. So, can we just not rush?"

Jason laughed. "What you think I'm saying I like you?

Georgia turned even more red. "No! That isn't what I meant!"

Jason just smiled, "Chill G. I won't even say"

Georgia just laughed. "You are so damn desperate."

Jason just laughed and went back to the cockpit, only to see Ganymede, where they were supposed to arrive in a total of 12 days.

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