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"Mom!" Georgia screamed. She couldn't control it. David snarled at her. Hannah came out of hiding as well. She was shell shocked.
He stepped away from Selena. He was a bit shocked, but tried not to show it. The green glow from Selena's eyes stayed.
"Oh what do we have here! My two daughters united huh? Where is your brother Hannah?"
"Who now?"
"Your brother?"
"Okay I have a brother now?"
David laughed. "Hmm no. I was pulling your leg. You know having a family moment. I was trying to act like Valentine."
"Okay now who's that?" Georgia asked. Hannah looked clueless as well.
"Oh my god! You girls need to read shadowhunters!" After a pause he said, It's a book".
Georgia was getting impatient, "No shit! And what are you freaking going on and on about? I'm worried about my mother than your stupid books."
"Okay one, It's not a stupid book. Oh and don't misjudge me. I love your mother. It's just that, she is..uh I can't tell you, I'm sorry. Dad's gotta keep his secret."
Hannah took out eclipse, her whip. David's eyes went to that. "You know, I'm the one who taught you how to use that. So it would be better if you wouldn't try."
"Huh, dad sure, you've taught me, I agree. But I'm your daughter. I know all your moves. I can and will be just as vicious and cruel as you." David looked stunned. Georgia grinned, "well, after all, you did have two daughters, how about we settle the score of you not being around to teach me my ABC's?"
David took out a sword. Huh where did he get that now? Thought Hannah. Anyway. Time to, um what? Kill? I don't know. Okay fine whatever. David said, "stuck in your own thoughts?" I need to be called by a sister and a father. That's what Andrew told me. He also said Georgia already had. He had to show he loved me. Only then will I be free from...what? I don't know. Hannah charged at David. The whip hit his hand. It made a deep gash. Just then his eyes and the infinity symbol glowed and his gash healed. Oh shit! Tau Ceti. She rolled her eyes. "Huh, so you take your power directly from Tau ceti? Because only those who can do that can heal injuries instantaneously."
"Oh my god! My daughter is so smart." Said David in mock sarcasm. "I hope the other one is as smart." He looked at Georgia. Georgia screamed. "This is for my mom!" She ran towards a David, with her xifos. She shoved him to the wall nearby. She went next to him and held the xifos's tip near his neck. "This remind you of something?" Georgia's eyes were red with anger. She was about to drive the xifos through his neck. Before she did that, someone had caught her arm and pulled her back, saving David. When she looked back who did it, she saw the one thing she dreaded. Her green eyed mother. David was controlling her.


"Andrew! Andrew! Wake up!" Jason looked at Andrew, worried. Andrew opened his eyes. Everything was blurry for Andrew. He got up, with Jason's help. "Where are the girls?"
Jason replied, "I think they made it or something. I can't see them anywhere." Oh man! Yes! Jason seemed to remember something. "Andrew, listen to me very carefully. When I met Georgia, I had held her hand."
"O....kay? So?"
"Oh my god listen. I had asked her to hold her hand to see if she was telling the truth. We're trained to that. But, I have known Georgia before that. I've never told her this but there when two powerful ganymeans are so close, they undergo a ceremony. They only do it to those people who have know each other for more than 5 years. But it is done by choice. Me and Georgia were so close, that our parents didn't even ask us if we wanted to do it."
"So, what does it mean?"
"It means that we are connected. Somehow. I don't know how the ceremony goes, but we are. So that way, when I held Georgia's hand to know the truth, I realised that our connection was still intact."
"So you didn't hold her hand to see if she was telling the truth. You already knew that she was Georgia. But you wanted to see if the connection was still intact."
"Yep. But I remember another thing."
"If we are connected, the way I think we are, which I am sure of, I should be able to see what she is seeing. The only thing is you'll have to tell me what I'll see."
"And how do you reckon I'll do that?"
"When I try and do what I'm about to, I will create a hologram. Somehow. Again, I don't know how all this works. But yeah."
"Okay. I'm ready when you are." But in reality, Andrew was really nervous. He didn't know what to expect. He was getting too dizzy to concentrate. But he nodded.
Jason closed his eyes. He concentrated really hard. He pictured Ganymede. Then Georgia. He was getting really dizzy and lightheaded. Just when he was about to give up, he saw David who had Georgia and Hannah tied up.


"Wuaghhghb" that's what it sounded like when Georgia tried to scream at David. Hannah was sitting quietly. She just looked at Selena. She heard this. I'm so glad he believes me. Now someway I need to free the girls. But how. Oh my god! Selena was not hypnotised! Her eyes were green because she could do it for...some reason Hannah had forgotten. She shrieked. Selena looked at her. Hannah sent her thoughts to Selena. Tried to, that is. Selena, listen to me. You need to somehow remove the infinity sign off his hand. I don't know much but I know that the infinity sign is what makes him powerful. Please please get close to him. And cut his hand off or something. Just not too gory because Georgia can't handle it. Selena grinned. David didn't see it. Just then, to Hannah's luck, David said, "Come to me my dear wife. Come here." Selena walked up to him. As if she were hypnotised. When she came close enough, David leaned close to her face and said, "let's give our kids a show huh?" He kissed her. Georgia screamed. Selena kissed him back, but as she did that she held his hand with her right and held a nail she had picked up from the ground earlier. She pulled back. She stared at David and then looked down, as if embarrassed. Oh my god! I gotta take acting lessons from her. Thought Hannah. Then it all happened in a flash. She took her nail, and scraped the skin where the symbol was made. David's arm got smeared with blood. David looked more surprised than hurt. His eyes turned grey. His blonde hair turned black, like Hannah's. His hair became long? He's a...girl? Georgia was so confused. Hannah's eyes lit up with hurt and recognition. The earlier David, had turned into a woman, with grey eyes, and raven black hair. Hannah looked stunned. She couldn't speak.
The one word that came out of her mouth was, "Mother.."


Jason collapsed. Andrew looked shocked. He was speechless. Jason didn't get half of it. He understood a good deal. He looked at Andrew and asked, "Where is David?"
Andrew tried to recollect himself. He failed. He fell down. Before collapsing, he said one thing, "al-ways.....her mo-ther..."
Jason got it. He nodded and murmured "David had died a long time ago, isn't it? It had been Hannah's mother all along. She wants to achieve her goal, even if it means killing her own daughter."
As an afterthought he said, "This is a revenge plot isn't it?"

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