The witch

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It took all 6 of them around an hour to reach Rajasvi's house. When they knocked on her door, a tired Rajasvi came out the door. She looked a bit surprised on seeing Max but eventually in a few seconds realised. "I mean seriously! Couldn't you have come like a few minutes later? I'd just started seeing the new episode of 'God friended me'. I had a bowl of popcorn and had a glass of juice. I was basically in paradise. Why would you ruin that for me?"

Georgia felt really lightheaded. She fell into Selena's arms. Rajasvi looked at Georgia, worried. "Oh that's
why. Come in. I can help her." Then looking at Andrew she said, "Oh dear! Oh my! Okay okay come in. I might be able to help all of you." All of them entered the abnormally pink house. Ace put Andrew on the sofa and Georgia sat down as well, with Hannah's support.

Rjasvi came a minute later, with a bowl in her hand. She gave the bowl to Hannah to feed to Georgia. Then she went to Andrew. She had got the pendant. She then looked at Georgia and said, "You have known him long eh?" Georgia nodded. "Yeah."

"Okay thenyou will be able to revive him." Georgia shrugged. "Okay"

Georgia went over o Andrew and placed the pendant next to is heart. All memories related to Andrew started filling her mind. All of them Andrew. She concentrated so hard on him that she started feeling dizzy yet again. After a minute, she put the pendant down. Andrew gradually opened his eyes. "G?"

"Yeah I'm right here. Shh. You're okay. You'r-" She couldn't even finish her statement. Andrew hugged her so tight that she thought he would never let go. Jason couldn't tear his eyes and nor could Hannah. They looked at each other and smiled. Same for her I guess thought Jason. Andrew sniffed. He looked at Rajasvi and then at Georgia. Georgia's body jerked and she fell on the ground. Rajasvi ran over to her and gave her a green witchy liquid. Or so Jason thought. Georgia's body jerked once more and she got raised in the air. She spoke in the same voice she had before killing Max, who was posing as Ava. Georgia said, "The secrets of the past we're not and we're never meant to be unravelled. Secrets are secrets for a reason. I am part coelum and part infernum. There was never a mission you've got to complete. This happens to every leader of the limbo. But it is upto me to choose whether I wants to lead it or not. If I lead it then I cannot have any relationship of either a friend or a daughter, or any kind of other relationships. But if I still want to, I can lead the limbo, second in command to someone who I allow, and that person should have more authority than me." Georgia fell down.

She sighed. "I heard myself say all that. And I won't give up any of my relationships with anyone. Not mom, not Andrew or Hannah and not Jason. I remember everything. Wait, how do I remember everything!" Rajasvi smiled. "Well, ever since you guys left, I had understood that you guys had been exaggerating everything. Fortunately you guys realised what was coming to Georgia and she was able to choose her destiny. Leaders of the limbo, who don't realise this, that on their 17th birthday they have to choose, they end up losing everything. So, I knew how to help you remember what you were supposed to do, after all. I am not ordinary witch. I am the leader of the witches. So I have a few tricks up my sleeve. I was able to create a memory potion which, my dear Georgia, worked perfectly on you! I'm really happy! Mostly because I've now paid my debt to Selena, who I had betrayed earlier. I'll give her the potion as well, so that she can revive her memories as well. I'm really sorry, to not have told you all this earlier." Georgia's tears betrayed her eyes. She started sobbing quietly. She ran to Rajasvi and gave her a hug. Rajasvi instantly shied away. "Ummm I'm not much of a hugger. Ooooohh" Georgia laughed. So did Rajasvi. Jason, Hannah and Andrew joined. Everyone was so relieved.
Something nagged Georgia. "Wait, but how will I know if the limbo knows that I've denied being the leader and that I want my mom to be the leader?"
Selena grinned. "You do?"
"Why wouldn't I? I love you mom! I'd love to be your second in command. I'll always be with you mumma. I promise!"
Selena hugged Georgia.
Rajasvi looked weary. "Oh the limbo is a part of you. What you think and do, they know. So they will have a way of knowing that you have decided to pass your leadership on to Selena.
Georgia smiled. So did Selena. They had a happy ending after all.
Or so they thought. Rajasvi had closed her eyes for a second and had seen a vision. Mars and Ganymede at war. Rajasvi looked at all four of them. They had no idea that there was a waging war that was about to reach a pivotal point, which will decide which planet is more worthy or keeping its place. Mars or Ganymede.

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