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The next day, her faithful alarm, yet again woke her up at 7:05. She picked up her phone to see that she had 10 text messages. 2 from Andrew, 5 from Hannah and 2 from Selena and 1 from Mia. Her eyes froze on Mia's name. Why the hell is she texting me? Georgia opened the text message. It read

Last person I wanted to text but,

Charity fundraiser-organised by the school-7:00pm-Friday-Take part or don't.

If you don't want to DO NOT text back because of obvious reasons but if you do, still DO NOT text back.

No thanks

No warm regards

Mia(Head of this crappy event)

"Well that was original" muttered Georgia. "I wonder which movie did she copy this from."

Georgia sat up and started reading Andrew's texts.

7:pm. My fav mall. Don't be late. Mom wants me to buy some things.

Georgia laughed at this. She knew Andrew was testing her. She kept reading.

Oh also, I forgot to tell you, Hannah will not be able to come. To the mall that is. She told me. I think she will tell you today.

"Okay" Georgia whispered.

Then she read Hannah's texts.

Good morning G! Sup? Whoops dumb of me to ask that. You must be sleeping(Idk why I sometimes think that you are the reincarnation of sleeping beauty, u know without the beauty part. Haha jk jk.

Georgia rolled her eyes. Typical Hannah waking her up with a joke.

Okay so first, I....uh I'm currently out of jokes sorry.

Georgia laughed.

I knew that'd make you laugh. Anyway today I won't be able to come with you and Andrew to the mall. I'm pretty sure he told you but still.

Also, I won't come to school today either. I'm sick. Don't text asking how I am because I would be sleeping. If you text me I'll end up talking to you and not sleeping. So, refrain from talking to me today. I know I know I'm irresistible but hold your horses.

Also have a great dayyy!


She then went on to read her mom's texts.

Good morning honey!

Had to leave early today. Stupid Charlotte didn't come for work. Breakfast is on the table. Have a great day! Love you always!


Georgia sighed. Her mom and those four kisses. Always at the end of every message Selena sent.. She was really very lucky. She dressed up, and went to school not realising that her life is about to change. After reaching home she opened her notes just to review what they had done in school that day. She was astounded to see that she had written a few lines. The astonishing part was that she didn't remember doing so. She held up her notebook and started reading

Non humanum. Posse possessio est. Sed et in via ne putes.

She had studied Latin when she was young. She knew what this meant but the meaning scared her. She knew that she was not ordinary. But....

Georgia quickly wrote down the meaning of the latin words.

You are not human. Possession is possible. But not in the way you think.


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